Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Think Kate Gosselin’s Kids Probably Hate Kate Gosselin Too

photo of kate gosselin pictures yelling at kids shopping old navy photos pic If these photos aren't evidence enough, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you grew up with a homemade chocolate chip cookie-baking mom who wore aprons and pressed your pants every night before school, but Kate Gosselin is not that mom. Nope, guys, Kate Gosselin is the mom who constantly bitches and moans and though she shops for articles of clothing with names like Balenciaga, Ferragamo, and Fend and spends thousands on her hair, she makes her kids shop at Old Navy and then yells at them in public as they walk to the car, seemingly empty-handed. Ac...

Quotables: Kate Gosselin Knows What You Think of Her

A photo of Kate Gosselin "I think that people think that I’m like mommy dearest, like this horrendous person. Am I rosy and peachy and splendid all the time? I think everyone in this room could say ‘no.’ Sometimes, over two days of shooting for one episode and I have three crabby mommy moments. Well, guaranteed you’re going to see them all in a twenty two minute show. So of course that makes me look like I’m crabby mommy all the time." - Kate Gosselin on why everyone hates her. I actually think the reason t...

Kate Gosselin Is Never Going Away

A photo of Kate Gosselin As I'm sure you've heard, Kate Gosselin and her awful show are on the brink of being taken away from us forever, and not a moment too soon. It's been a good few years that we've had to hear about all the baby drama and midlife crises, but at last, it's coming to an end. OR IS IT? Here's the most terrifying Kate Gosselin quote I've ever read: "I want to stay in TV because I feel comfortable there, it's an exciting life. I'd really love to find a place of my own on a talk show or something like that. I'll be back. This is too much ...

Anderson Cooper Hates Kate Gosselin, Too

Anderson Cooper's batting a thousand lately - hating on Chris Brown (and rightfully so, ugh), and now he's throwing the heat down on Kate Gosselin as well for being a complete and utter C-U-next Tuesday. I'm not going to use the word "hate" ... Well, no, OK, I suppose I am. Honestly? I think I kind of hate Kate Gosselin - she's a HUGE BITCH. I hope she explodes, her kids go to a home where they're taken care of and loved and not screamed at twenty-four hours a day, and everyone - EVERYONE - forgets she ever existed. This woman is going to die bitter and alone, because...

Fare Thee Well, Wench Kate Gosselin

photo of kate gosselin and kids in west reading pa first post cancellation appearance pics Q: What does dejection, depression, and desperation look like when it's all wrapped in one tight little tweaked-out package? A: A fake blonde badly in need of extension maintenance who has plastic tatas, jacked arms, and parenthood regrets. Who also wears yellow and black minidresses while walking around Pennsylvania getting her many kids' hair cut. Alas, this is the end of Kate Gosselin. No, really, I really think this is the end of Kate Gosselin. She had her run and now she's done, dragging her tail behind her. Unless someone offers this bitch a seat on T...

Kate Gosselin’s Career is Over

photo of kate gosselin pictures photos Guess who's just now losing her show? Yeah. That'd be Kate Gosselin. After however-many-years of being a reality TV staple, enduring the rigors of a "loser husband" (who has nothing but my utmost sympathies lately), show changes, Dancing With the Stars, Sarah Palin, bad, bad fashion, and loads of money that was, embarrassingly, blown on hair extensions, Kate Gosselin's run is over. From People: "TLC has decided not to renew another season of Kate Plus 8," a network rep told PEOPLE in a statement. "By the end of this season Kate Plus 8 will have hit the 150 episode mark (including Jon &am...

Kate Gosselin Is Dead Inside

A photo of Kate Gosselin I know, Kate Gosselin has always been dead inside, but this is new evidence.  See, for this upcoming episode of Kate Plus 8, Kate and her brood make some baked goods for their local dialysis center, and she told her seven-year-old kids (I think they're seven, anyway) that "if you spill sugar you will get down and pick up every granular and you know I mean that."  That seems a little silly, right?  I don't know, I don't have kids and that's not the point.  The point is this hilarious video of Kate interacting with her children an...

Kate Gosselin Still Spends Extravagantly, Stiffs Creditors

photo of jon and kate gosselin when they were younger pictures photos Kate Gosselin, or as some of you might know her, The Bitch from Jon and Kate Plus 8, is being sued by a PA-based marriage counseling center. The center, Creative Energy Option, was asked to fly out to LA back in 2009 where they performed 'services' for Kate and company, and now they claim that there's an outstanding bill of $10,476 due. The president of the organization spoke to TMZ and claimed that not only has Kate ignored their attempts to collect the debt, but has also refused to make a pay...

So Sad, Kate Gosselin is Straight Up Lonely I Guess

photo of kate gosselin in new york city for her birthday celebration pictures You'd think with all those kids and all that money that loneliness could be avoided, and that companionship could be bought just like everything else, but it appears that Kate Gosselin is officially on the prowl and looking for a man. Kate, who turns thirty-six sometime this week, was spotted out in New York City over the last few days celebrating her birthday, and sources close to the mom of forty-nine say that her main aim during her birthday binging involves finding a man. The source c...

There’s No Way in Hell Kate Gosselin’s Taking Back The Meatball With The Tiny Penis

With Jon Gosselin now hard at work installing solar panels (LOL!) and Kate Gosselin more or less fading into obscurity herself, people are wondering if there's any chance that the two will reconcile. A source to Kate says "hell to the mothafuckin' no" on that one. "There is absolutely no chance of a reconciliation. They remain civil for the sake of the kids, but that's it. It's frustrating for Kate that people keep making up stories. They have both moved on," the source told In fact, if anything, Kate is doing everything in her power to disassociate herself ...

Kate Gosselin: An Even Bigger Twat Than You Probably Thought

photo of kate gosselin on sarah palin's alaska photos screenshots pictures And if you're anything like me, you probably thought Kate Gosselin was one of the biggest twats going, along with Spencer Pratt, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Tila Tequila (don't even bother asking me about the Ronaldo thing - he just strikes me as an uber-greaseball twat-face and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why). Kate, if you'll remember, was asked to be on Sarah Palin's Alaska not too long ago. The premise of the segment was a camping stint, where the two women were supposed to bond wit...
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