Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin Kind of Has a Point

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy With The Meatball suing her for primary custody of their eight kids, Kate Gosselin has once again found herself defending her parenting ability. The jazzy mom hit up the Today Show this morning to talk with mah gurl Meredith Vieira about why she's actually the one who's doing everything she can to support the fam: "I've got to work harder now than ever because I am a single mom. In my heart I'm always in my kitchen, baking and coo...

Kate Gosselin Was All Like, “Forget This Shit!”

Bored single woman with absolutely nothing to do, Kate Gosselin, finally gave in to the fact that she hated her seven-thousand dollar extensions and chopped them all off. It's unclear if the thought came to her after her tanning appointment or before her mani/pedi, but you know how us free-spirited single women are! When we have to do something about our look, we just have to do something about our look! What other priorities do we have beside making sure our shit's on point? Nothing. There's noth...

Kate Gosselin’s Heading Back to The View

My favorite show, The View, has announced their newest series of guest co-hosts and it's really just more of the same. But in a good way. Joining the ladies will be Meghan McCain (barf, but it's sometimes fun in a "I hate the world" way to listen to her talk), Valerie Bertinelli, and Victoria Beckham, who apparently just does guest spots on talk shows and competitions now. And of course, Kate Gosselin, the woman with the seven-thousand dollar extensions who used to bone that wild moose, wil...

Just Because Your Weave Cost Seven Grand, Doesn’t Mean It’s Going To Make You Feel Fly (And Other Lessons I’ve Learned From Kate Gosselin)

It turns out that Kate's just one of those ladies that likes to keep her lettuce tight because she hates her extensions. Hates. In fact, they've made her cry if you believe the sources talking to US Weekly. While most women would kill for the chance to sit in Ted Gibson's chair and have real Indian hair bonded to their scalp, it's just too much for Kate. She thinks it looks over-processed and damaged, and I'm sure it does compared to her last cut which likely had to be maintained monthly in or...

Kate Gosselin Heads Back to Reality TV

It was really just a matter of time. TLC's finally announced the plans for Kate Gosselin's solo-show (no Jon, no kids) and it sounds like it's going to be obnoxious but completely watchable. The "reality" program is to show Kate out on the world on her own working different jobs. One week we'll see Kate the hairdresser, the next we might see Kate the pastry chef. There's no word on how many of these jobs will be in Kate's local area or how much travelling she'll have to do for the gigs, but a co...

Kate Gosselin’s New Hair is Worth More than My Car

Earlier this week, Molls wrote about Kate the Clean Slate's (*shudder*) new hairdo which includes extensions that look like they were purchased and installed in the autocare section at Wal-mart where I buy my tires.  So it's fitting that Kate's new hair is worth more than the Kelley blue book price for my 1997 Honda Civic. The stylist, Ted Gibson, revealed in an interview this week that the combined cost of the salon services Kate received was worth about $7,000. “My haircuts are $950,â...

Kate Gosselin Got a Weave Put In

[caption id="attachment_52547" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Image via"]Courtesy of[caption id="attachment_52547" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Image via"][/caption] Kate Gosselin got a weave! Kate Gosselin got a weave! Ahh! How exciting! Kate Gosselin got a weave put in by celebrity stylist Ted Gibson! I can only imagine what a mullet that thing looks like when the fans aren't blasting, but damn: She looks good in this photo. Ted, who works on just about everyone who's anyone, including Angelina Jolie, got his hands on Kate's infamous hair and went t...

Sometimes I’m Thankful For Kate Gosselin

Today has been sssslllllloooooowwww as hell and I've been digging around trying to find you guys little nuggets of awesome all morning. There's been pretty much nothing, unless you count a behind the scenes video from People Magazine's photoshoot with the Kardashian sisters, and I'm pretty sure you don't. Then, my girl Kate Gosselin came and saved me with this clip of her appearance on last night's episode of The Jay Leno Show. With her divorce being finalized yesterday, Kate was a hot guest to have on. Of course, Jay ask...

Kate Gosselin Gets Really Real

Kate Gosselin Unless Jon Gosselin is ramming his crusty dick in to something scandalous, we don't hear nearly as much enough about the Gosselins anymore. I'm sure most of you are happy about that and think that means they're going away, but oh no! No they ain't! Kate even spent her morning today working at a restaurant in North Carolina where she was being filmed for a test tape. Geez, let me guess what that show would be about. I'm guessing that it's going to follow Kate on her wacky and endearing journey to fi...

Kate Gosselin Gets Primary Custody of the Kids

Jon Gosselin You guys, I think the Gosselin limelight may be fading. Kate Gosselin was awarded primary custody of her children today, and it wasn't immediately, like, announced in Times Square. No one seems to care, really. In fact, the final episode of Jon & Kate Plus Eight aired tonight, and it's being replaced with Cake Boss, which is, incidentally, one of the worst reality TV shows I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Does that crapfest get ratings? Like, it's a bunch of New Jersey Italians bickering abou...

Kate Gosselin Can’t Even Think About Dating

90822X3_GOSSELIN_B-GR_03 Even though her soon to be ex-husband has long since moved on to a 22-year old woman, Kate Gosselin has to be a little more guarded when it comes to dating. As the remaining responsible parent, Kate can't help but think what a disaster dating other men would be for both herself and her kiddies. Yesterday on Ellen, Kate said the following about the topic of finding herself a new man, "I'm not thinking about it, but the thought has crossed my mind at some point [that] it's going to be scrutini...

Kate Gosselin Takes Break From Insanity to Do Leno

I think Kate Gosselin has found her calling if she can't get Kate Plus 8 back on track.  If you ask me, it's only a matter of time before she'll be approached about filming a sitcom pilot.  Ooohhh ... wouldn't it be great if she did a sitcom with fellow reality mom Michelle Duggar?  They could call it The Mullets Plus Many....
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