Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin’s New Hair is Worth More than My Car

Earlier this week, Molls wrote about Kate the Clean Slate’s (*shudder*) new hairdo which includes extensions that look like they were purchased and installed in the autocare section at Wal-mart where I buy my tires.  So it’s fitting that Kate’s new hair is worth more than the Kelley blue book price for my 1997 Honda Civic.

The stylist, Ted Gibson, revealed in an interview this week that the combined cost of the salon services Kate received was worth about $7,000.

“My haircuts are $950,” Ted revealed. “The color would have been about $500, and the extensions, which were great length extensions, would probably cost about $5000.”

Kate was excited about getting a new look to start off the new year, but was a little nervous about changing her trademark bangs. “We were together for about 20 hours and I would say 15 of those hours were working on Kate trying to convince her to cut her bangs,” Ted joked. “I felt like she was hiding behind that front piece.”

Despite the hesitation, he said the mother of eight “was really open to the entire process.” Ted summed up his vision for the TLC star: “I wanted to make sure I took her from being really ordinary to really extraordinary!”

Ted even has a nickname for Kate’s old hairstyle, “The little short bits in the back, we called them her ‘attitude’ and getting rid of those took a long time!”

Ted said Kate loved her new do, which she’ll have to have done every three or four months. “She was blown away, she had no idea what the length of hair and changing the color and bangs would do for her!”

They kept saying “would have cost” which indicates that she got the new ‘do for free, probably for the publicity it would generate.  Even so, the idea of a $7,000 hairstyle– ugly or otherwise– is absolutely repugnant. And I’m betting that the 3 to 4 month upkeep is going to come out of someone’s pocket.

This is part of the reason why I can’t understand why anyone is “Team” either of the Gosselins. They’ve built their “celebrity” around the idea that they’re just a mom and dad trying to take care of their large family. But they’re not like you– they’re just selling you that bill of goods so you’ll identify with them, watch their TV show, and buy their crap. How  many $7,000 haircuts and trysts with 25 year olds is it going to take before you realize that they’re both disgusting, just in different ways?

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Note: I changed the last paragraph. It originally said something noncommittal and silly about me losing my appetite. I revised it and decided I wanted to bring the pain.

    • I appreciate you bringing the pain. I agree with you 100%. I am Team Get-Them-Both-The-Fuck-Outta-Here. Anyone who watched the show for 10 minutes would know she’s a c-nt and he’s a douche and both of them need to disappear.

      • I totally agree. They both are gross and dumb.

        And on another note, who pays practically $1,000 for a haircut??? I don’t even like to pay $60!!

  • She get’s hair extensions for $5,000 and Eliot Spitzer gets a fine piece of ass for $5,000. I think Eliot got a much better deal, even if hers was given to her for free.

  • The fake hair looks like what it is – long stands tacked on to a short head of hair. And I agree – Jon seemed sympathetic to me until he spun out of control with intoxication, smoking, flashy overspending, womanizing and lies, but now he seems just pathetic.

    And Kate seems like someone who turned the lemons of a bad reproductive decision into lemonade, except that no one else who supported her before she got famous gets a drink, including her children.

    I’m “Team 8”; unfortunately they’re screwed while Mummy sports her tens of thousands of dollars of cosmetic work (mostly at no cost to her) and Daddy screws anything with xx chromosomes that walks on two legs as long as it’s a lot younger than he is.

  • I’m sure if Kate had to pay for this herself she would’ve found somebody that charged much less. I’m assuming you noticed the part where the man said getting your hair cut by him costs $950? So what if she would’ve gotten a free haircut from him? Would you still throw a huge bitchfit about how a person who gets a haircut isn’t in touch with the real world?
    Just because this man hugely overvalues the worth of his services does not mean that anybody who gets hair extensions is “not a real person.”

    Obviously, these people are no longer like us. They’re on the cover of magazines. But they were at one time, and fucking a 25 year old (btw, lots of recently divorced guys fuck younger chicks) or getting hair extensions is not the marker of how different they are. Particularly when your main beef with the hair extensions is that the hairdresser in question charges outrageous sums for his services.
    There are just so many other things that make this family no longer normal in any sense that I’m surprised you’re choosing to latch onto to a hairstyle…

  • “How many $7,000 haircuts and trysts with 25 year olds is it going to take before you realize that they’re both disgusting, just in different ways?”

    Uh, I think most of us are already there and have been for awhile! Don’t confuse Kate being on the cover of People, with anyone actually liking her. Mutually exclusive concepts.

  • Ya well a new hair do isnt going to change the fact that she is bossy, controling, a attenion whore, and just a right out Bitch. Watch there show and you will see. I dont know how he stayed Married to her as long as he did. To have your wife publically Talk down to you on national television on a regular basis would be more than any man could endure. or more than I can even say. She Is a controlling bitch.
    No amount of cosmetic surgery, Tummy Tucks, Boob Jobs, Hair extension, or makeup is going to fix that!!!!!!!!!!!
    Their poor Kids i feel so bad for them. The show was suposed to be about them and to help them so they could be better provided for and have a good future. Not have F_ _ _ parents for the hole world to see.


  • Hey guess what, Kate–hair actually grows on its own. If you wait, you don’t have to pay $2000 for a wave.

    Seriously, though, I hate this woman and her dippy ex-husband as much as anybody, but this new hair DOES look better than the old one. Of course, I can’t imagine anything looking worse, either. Even a mullet would have been a marginal improvement.

  • extensions always look like extensions. i don’t get it- grow your fucking hair out? this trend confuses me to no end. why would you want a bunch of fake hair?

    • But growing your hair costs TIME you see…people want everything here now and then. Waiting and working for your success seems to be something from the past -.-

  • Can Lindsay Lohan’s driver run over Kate Gosselin please?

    Let’s start off with a new slate — no Kate.

  • When I read his haircut costs $950 I wanted to punch him in the face… What could you POSSIBLY do to a head of hair to make the work worth $950? How do you justify that? Does he give you a massage while cutting your hair? Does he bring in strippers? Hookers? He’s GOTTA do SOMETHING besides just cutting your hair. That’s freaking ridiculous! Forget everything else: $950 for a fucking haircut!? Seriously?
    I’m sorry…
    I just can’t get over that…