Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian: Knocked Up by 2012

It sort of scares me how fast Kim Kardashian is moving with this whole engagement thing, is that weird?  Like if Kim were one of my girls, I would want to sit her down and have a good long...

The Kardashians Do Katy Perry’s...

Ten random thoughts about this whole deal: 10. Can Kim NOT do anything where she’s acting like a total hooker? 9. At the :20 mark, Kourtney Kardashian IS Michael Jackson. 8. Bruce...

Kim Kardashian is GETTING MARRIED!

OMG can you imagine how NUTS this chick is probably going right now? She’s been aiming for this for years now, and an engagement has finally come to fruition – her Harry Potter...