Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin Dropped By Yet Another High School Student

Jon Gosselin and Morgan Christie's romance is over.  Can you hear my heart breaking from all the way over here? After "months of fighting", Christie reportedly kicked the deadbeat dad and defunct reality star to the curb -- and out of her house -- and the main reasons were because he was fat, lazy and mooch-y.  I knew the girl was a little dense for dating Gosselin to begin with, but come on ... is that not why all of his previous relationships -- including his marriage -- foundered? Jon a...

Jon Gosselin’s Two-Faced! Surprise!

I told you guys earlier this week that Kate Gosselin is set to join the Dancing With the Stars cast and now we finally have some answers to the question, "What's Jon think about that?" If you believe Jon's Twitter, he's happy for his ex and wishes her well, but friends close to Jon say that this is just another thing that Kate's doing that pisses him off. Jon's issue with Kate doing the show is shockingly not fame-related. He's pissed because this new gig will take Kate away from their kid...

Jon Gosselin is Having Sex With a 25-Year Old in Hawaii

Even though Jon Gosselin brought ex-girlfriend Hailey Glassman to Hawaii not that long ago, he's already back with new girlf, Morgan Christie. What can I say? I guess Hawaii is Jon's pussy zone. I think Jon feels most comfortable putting the moves on someone he clearly doesn't deserve to be having sex with after slamming down a couple Mai Tais to the sounds of a ukulele band. Jon has never embodied what I imagine a former IT exec to look like anymore than he has in these photos. Fat, sunburnt...

Jon Gosselin Willing To Renegotiate His Children’s Emotional Health

Remember when Jon Gosselin said that his kids could no longer film their TLC reality show because he decided that it was bad for them? OK, well, he takes that back. It's now being reported that Jon and Kate are in talks to bring the kids back in front of the cameras for Kate's reality show, with Jon getting a cut for his kids' labor. From Fox News: "Kate is taking advantage of every opportunity,” a source close to Gosselin tells Fox411. “She is working her butt off, making payments on t...

Jon Gosselin’s New Girlfriend

I'd rather be writing about how much I love this snow that's been falling for three days straight. But duty dictates that I start the day instead by talking about Jon Gosselin's new penis sheath. Papa Jogo must have some serious game he can only run in Utah. He picked up his new ladyfriend, 25 year old Morgan Christie, in the same ski resort where he snowplowed Deanna Hummel back in 'aught nine. "They've been inseparable...They talk on the phone and text throughout the day, and Morgan flew ...

Hailey Glassman’s Lawyer is Giving Jon Gosselin Too Much Credit

Jon Gosselin Over Christmas, Jon Gosselin had his New York apartment broken in to and completely ransacked. All signs pointed to Hailey Glassman, Jon's now ex-girlfriend, who supposedly hates Jon now. However, the 22 year old says that she had nothing to do with the incident and her lawyers are backing her up by saying that it's likely Jon is staging this whole break-in for publicity. From What reportedly clued Gosselin into a possible link with Glassman, who split with the reality-show dad in recent ...

Jon Gosselin is So Busy He Can’t Even Make His Court Dates

Jon Gosselin Extremely popular, much-in-demand man about town, Jon Gosselin was so busy folding his sparkly t-shirts and fighting with his equally emotionally immature girlfriend that he didn't exactly make it to his court date today. Whoops! He's real busy, real important. He probably had to run to the corner market and pick up a pack of Newports and then call a bunch of paparazzi to line up photo ops for the week, so it's understandable. Somehow, the proceedings for the TLC v. Gosselin case will continue on...

Attn Jon Gosselin: Lock Up Your Nads!

Nadya Suleman Jon Gosselin is about to be a free man, but don't let Octomom Nadya Suleman know!  She's already confessed that she's got a little crush on the father of many, but this newest revelation should turn your blood cold. Octomom is open to the idea of having more kids.  Fourteen kids is not enough for this clown car.   When asked about future babies, the psycho replied "If I wanted to do it the traditional way and get married.  That's like another chapter."  Beyond the fact that Suleman would ever agree to being pregnant again, I cannot believe that...

Just What We’ve Been Waiting For: The Jon Gosselin Sex Tape and Cocaine Scandal

Jon Gosselin Sex Tape If the shit didn't hit the fan some time ago for Jon Gosselin, it definitely is now. A former bodyguard of the "reality star" has been subpoenaed in TLC's case against him and his testimony is going to be less than helpful in helping Jon gain custody of his kids. The bodyguard is claiming that not only has he seen Jon do cocaine many times (no surprise there. His face has been looking like it's been stung by bees for a minute now) and that he's also seen Jon's secret sex tape. Supposedl...

Jon Gosselin Returns to Life as IT Exec and Kate’s Whipping Boy

Jon Gosselin Goes Back in Time from Jon Gosselin Jon Gosselin appears as himself in the newest episode of Funny or Die.  Quite frankly, I think they were going for some sort of humorous parody, but I just found it kind of sad.  Jon travels back in time to who he used to be.  Great idea if you ask me. In a PopEater interview, Jon revealed that he'll be spending both Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Kate and the kids, per the terms of their custody arrangement.  Other plans for the new yea...

Breaking News! Jon Gosselin Isn’t a Douche, Just Misunderstood!

Jon Gosselin It was just last week that Hailey Glassman admitted to the world (via The Insider, natch) that her boyfriend, Jon Gosselin, was sometimes emotionally abusive.  Yeah, you think that's a bombshell?  Catch this:  Sometimes, Jon has trouble telling the truth.  I know, I know ... you think you know someone. Needless to say, Jon responded in the only logical manner.  Yep, he spent his weekend doing an apology tour -- a PR agent's wet dream.  He's been speaking out with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach at his side -...

Hailey Glassman Says That Jon Gosselin is Abusive

Jon Gosselin Verbally Abuses His Girlfriend? Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselin's pothead 22 year old girlfriend, has been running her mouth to the tabloids again, except now she's dishing on her own man. Of course, the statement was made in an interview on The Insider that's due to air tonight, so I'm sure that there's either a hook like "but I asked him to do that because clearly I like to be punished! It's a kinky thing!" or the Jon and Hailey ("Jailey") are seriously that desperate to stay relevant. A source close to Jon says that he was c...
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