Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Nanny Diaries

58201309jongosselin916200930013pm You may not have noticed, but I've been trying to spare you the Gosselin stories.  At this point, I write about one out of every 12 I read.  You. Are. Welcome.  I know we're all sick of these fame whores, but certainly you want to hear about how Jon fucked the nanny!  Especially since she confesses that the sex was romantic, but she wasn't into the "pleasure"part of it, which we all know is code for "needle dick". Stephanie Santoro is a 23-year-old single mother who worked as a nanny ...

Love It or Leave It?

picture-17 I am frightened to admit just how much conversation Kate Gosselin's new hairdo seems to be generating on the Internet. Kate was a guest host on The View yesterday and today.  Today, it appears that the stylist decided to whack Kate's head with a curling iron, tame down the back, take the charms off her hoop earrings and call it a "makeover". So, um, what do you think of Kate's "makeover"?  And since her kids met daddy's girlfriend over the weekend, maybe it's time to take off the weddi...

Lindsay Wants To Be Hounded

Lindsay Lohan Listen up.  To all, like, one of you that plead with us here at Evil Beet to respect Lindsay's privacy, I'd like to tell you something that should be painfully obvious:  Lindsay wants the tabloid attention; it was her goal. Linds gave an interview to Access Hollywood in which she talked about her new gig over at Ungaro.  She also touched upon the media attention she seems to call and notify of her impending arrival garner everywhere she goes.  "Everyone goes through tough times and the ...

Let’s Hope They Don’t Spend The Day Being Terrorized Because Of Their Parents

[caption id="attachment_43867" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Courtesy of"]gosselin-bus-320[caption id="attachment_43867" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Courtesy of"][/caption] The Gosselin sextuplets boarded the bus for the first time with their older siblings, Cara and Mady who are starting third grade today. Earlier in the week, the six younger children were accompanied to school by both Jon and Kate who left them at their pre-Kindergarten class where they will spend three days a week learning simple math, mastering the alphabet and probably getting harrassed ...

Lookin’ Good, Kate!

Kate Gosselin was on Larry King tonight looking gorgeous (not exactly well-rested, but calm and beautiful) and basically doing exactly what she's been doing for months now -- looking like the way better parent. However, she doesn't straight-up come out and diss Jon -- she says he's a good father, but they differ on the actions he's taking right now. Very nice, Miz Gosselin. Also -- say what you will about Larry King, the man's a brilliant interviewer. /> Kate Gosselin was on Larry King tonight looking gorgeous (not exactly well-rested, but calm and beautiful) and basically doing exactly what she's been doing for months now -- looking like the way better parent. However, she doesn't straight-up come out and diss Jon -- she says he's a good father, but they differ on the actions he's taking right now. Very nice, Miz Gosselin. Also -- say what you will about Larry King, the man's a brilliant interviewer. ...

Funny Or Die: Leave Kate Alone

It's certainly clear that we're all Jon and Kate'd out around here, but it's the weekend so let's just have a giggle at this hysterical parody of everyone's favorite crybabies- Chris Crocker and Kate Gosselin. Put together by the Brooklyn-based sketch group Dr. Coolsex, the most hilarious line in the video comes at the very end. "Money is like tissues." Why yes, Kate. In a way they are....


90503m2_gosselin_b-gr_17evilbeetgossip "During this very difficult time we will be working to focus solely on the needs of our family.  This includes no longer commenting publicly or reacting to media stories and speculation.  Our goal is to do the very best for our children and that will be done as privately as possible.  We appreciate the understanding, support and well wishes from so many. Thank you." Jon and Kate Gosselin's statement as posted on the TLC website.  Thank God!  Finally!  Oh, man...what will we all write abo...

8 Little Monkeys Jumpin’ on the Bed, One Fell Out and Bumped His Head

Aaden Gosselin, Kate Gosselin Gosselin sextuplet Aaden Gosselin-- pictured above, flying through the air this past April-- was taken to a walk-in medical clinic by dad Jon yesterday for treatment of an apparent head injury. He left the clinic with a bandage on his boo-boo, but otherwise appeared to be fine. No word on what caused the injury, but aren't things like this pretty standard with kids his age? When I was three, I was jumping on my parents' bed when, just like the song about the little monkeys, I fell off and bump...

Aunt Jodi’s Sister Is at it Again!

We all know how much Aunt Jodi's sister hates Jon & Kate (& Kate & Kate & Kate). So every now and then I take a look at one of the predictable rants on her blog, Truth Breeds Hatred. Today's post kind of cracked me up:
Kevin and Jodi will be giving a live interview tomorrow morning on The Early Show (CBS). The segment should be airing around 7:30am EST. I also want to acknowledge all of the emails I am receiving. I can't respond to all of them, but I want everyone to know that I am reading them and sharing them with Jodi. I have received the most heartfelt stories and poems. I am truly touched that so many have taken the time to write, and I want you all to know that the support we are receiving is definitely a bright spot during this difficult time. Many people have asked what they can do. My best advice right now is to stop watching! ... I am disgusted that they would show such a tender moment between Jon and his daughter just to pull at the viewer's heartstrings. That conversation should have been a private moment between a father and daughter. Each person who watched last night stole something from the children that they'll never get back.
None of this matters but the poems. Attention, people: WHO ARE YOU out there sending poems to Jodi's sister? Did you write them yourself? If you did, then that's simply the most delightful news I've heard all day. People are independently composing poetry about Jon & Kate. WHAT DOES IT EVEN LOOK LIKE? I was going to try to write a sample J&K poem for you guys, but then I realized that I totally wasn't high or 13 enough. I don't even remember how to fake being an angsty 13-year-old. Should it rhyme? Do I need to draw an anarchy symbol on my wrist before I begin? I think I will suggest that you folks write some poetry in the comments. I also have another idea. I think Aunt Jodi's sister should post on her blog all the poems that she received from readers. Then the state of California will vote on whether or not to incorporate said poems into their state Constitution. If they vote against it, then Mady and Cara Gosselin can't get married, ever, to anyone. DO YOU SEE HOW THIS IS A WIN-WIN SITUATION? /> We all know how much Aunt Jodi's sister hates Jon & Kate (& Kate & Kate & Kate). So every now and then I take a look at one of the predictable rants on her blog, Truth Breeds Hatred. Today's post kind of cracked me up: Kevin and Jodi will be giving a live interview tomorrow morning on The Early Show (CBS). The segment should be airing around 7:30am EST. I also want to acknowledge all of the emails I am receiving. I can't respond to all of them, but I want everyone to know that I am rea...

I Post This in the Nicest Way Possible

I have no idea how this video has previously escaped me, but I just found it and I had to share it with you guys. These are the conjoined Schappell twins in a country music video. I am not judging. I am merely posting. I find this interesting. I thought you might, too. Also, the Schappell twins are from Reading, Pennsylvania, which, I believe, is also where Jon and Kate Gosselin are from. What the hell is in the water in Reading? More videos of the twins can be found here. /> I have no idea how this video has previously escaped me, but I just found it and I had to share it with you guys. These are the conjoined Schappell twins in a country music video. I am not judging. I am merely posting. I find this interesting. I thought you might, too. Also, the Schappell twins are from Reading, Pennsylvania, which, I believe, is also where Jon and Kate Gosselin are from. What the hell is in the water in Reading? More videos of the twins can be found here. ...
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