Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Barbara Steisand gets flack for rude comment to Melissa McCarthy

This is borderline hysterical to me because wtf, fr.

Barbara Steisand, the 82 year old singing and acting legend, took to beyonce’s internet last night to throw some shade! She hit Instagram and came across a photo of actress Melissa McCarthy looking fetch as hell and decided to ask her about her weight loss in a bizarre way.

“Give my regards did you take ozempic” she asked. Seriously? Like I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking Ozempic because obesity will kill you and some people really benefit from it, but wtfwtfwtf… would you ask her if she was pregnant if she had gained weight? DONT comment on people weight. That’s their business~!!!

People have been commenting all day on the post and giving Barbara grief over the remark, but Babs removed the comment.