Jon Gosselin appears as himself in the newest episode of Funny or Die. Quite frankly, I think they were going for some sort of humorous parody, but I just found it kind of sad. Jon travels back in time to who he used to be. Great idea if you ask me.
In a PopEater interview, Jon revealed that he’ll be spending both Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Kate and the kids, per the terms of their custody arrangement. Other plans for the new year? He’s going to start using his fame for good, folks! Can’t wait to see how that looks.
Well…I chuckled?
This was actually kind of sad….
Such an asshole.
I didn’t find it funny, but I think it’s pretty cool. I can’t tell if this is legit or if it was just supposed to be funny, but I guess we’ll see.
Ew. I didn’t watch it because he’s gross.
He was an exec? I thought he only made like $38k before he quit.
that was sad
How much weight will he have to lose to really turn back the clock?
Funny or Die should Die because it’s not Funny and never is.
mrs. obvious here but yeah, that was not funny at all. it was actually pretty sad. and why did he do the video if he is not willing to change, he will just end up looking like more of an asshole, but a sad asshole now :(
umm. Didn’t TLC sue him for breach of contract?? Am I behind?
I seriously think he is going to kill himself.
Oh Leslie I hope you’re not right. That would be so devastating for his kids.
And I agree with you all, this clip was not funny. It was sad.
Not even funny. At least the spoof Kate did on Jay Leno made me laugh a little. I don’t think there is anything for Jon anymore. No show, no fame. The pops will quit following him soon. Any what about that fame whore Rabbi he was with? What legitimate clergy would do a press conference?
i thought it was pretty damn funny. you have to like dry humor. regardless of if he actually changes or not, the fact that they were making fun of the situation i thought was good – especially when he was with the bikini chick “seriously?” hahaha
How was that funny?