Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chris Brown

Who’s That on Your Neck, Chris Brown?

As you can see, Chris Brown has a new tattoo. You see it, right? It’s that big ol’ face on the side of his neck. To me, it looks like a sleepy drag queen with shit smeared...

Rihanna Kissed Chris Brown at the VMAs?

Get More: 2012 VMA, Artists.MTV, Music, Rihanna OK, so it wasn’t necessarily a full-on make-out, nor was it the RED! CARPET! REUNION! that we all thought might happen, but...

Chris Brown Is Worried About Rihanna

Yes, noble knight Chris Brown is, in fact, worried about Rihanna‘s excessive partying, because I guess it’s cool if he has to viciously assault her as long as she’s not...