Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Girl Wore A Dead Cat to The Lady Gaga Concert, What Are You Wearing?

A photo of Lady Gaga

Nah, I’m just kidding, she didn’t wear a dead cat to a Lady Gaga concert.  She got escorted to a hospital for being unstable enough to kill a cat for fashion.  I think that’s better, don’t you?

Here are the details from Gawker:

According to police, Angelina Barnes drowned the cat, sliced open its belly, mutilated its eyes and removed its liver, which cops later found “in a makeup case on the counter.” An unidentified relative arrived home to find Barnes—who had “cover[ed] light switches with duct tape so she wouldn’t be able to turn on the light”—dressed in a “long coat” with “streaks of what turned out to be cat blood on her face.” This was, it seems, the outfit she planned on wearing to the Lady Gaga concert.

As you might expect, Barnes did not go to the Lady Gaga concert. She went instead to the hospital, “where she threatened a male nurse with a piece of glass”; she’s now “receiving treatment” at a local hospital.

Around these parts, we don’t really care for Lady Gaga, but even those of you who broke down in tears the first time you heard “Born This Way” can probably see that this definitely earns a spot on a list of the creepiest things ever associated with Lady Gaga (right between gross meat dresses and blood and semen perfume, if you’re curious).  People, listen, if you ever feel the need to mutilate a family pet so you can look super hot for your rock concert, please, take a moment of reflection. Then look at these pictures.  That’s all I ask.

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