Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Johnny Depp Did Not Break Up With Vanessa Paradis

photo of vanessa paradis and johnny depp pictures reconcile pics
From the UK’s Sun:

The actor, 48, seethed that there was “no way” he had split from his partner of 14 years.

As co-star Michelle Pfeiffer dazzled at the London premiere of vampire flick Dark Shadows Depp seethed: “The rumours are not true. They are absolutely not true.”

The frustrated star — who plays bloodsucker Barnabas Collins in Tim Burton’s new movie — also opened up about no one believing his denial.

He sighed: “No matter what I say about this, people believe the opposite. I can’t say enough about it not being over.”

So, wait. Does this mean Johnny and Vanessa aren’t over? Because yeah, though Vanessa said the same damn thing back in January, no one believed her. Johnny hasn’t brought her out in public in, what, almost two years? What do these guys expect? I’m not saying that it’s like, “Oh, y’all need to let us know the status of your relationship year in and year out,” because we’re not entitled to it, of course, but when ALL SIGNS point to a couple no longer together, how are you going to be all incredulous that no one believes you if you say otherwise? It’s not like celebrities tell the truth a hundred percent of the time when they’re splitting up anyway, you know? No reason to get all hot and bothered, boyfriend.

Also interesting is the fact that everybody’s probably going to take this as gospel now that Johnny’s said something about it. When Vanessa talked about the couple’s non-split almost six months ago, everyone dismissed it as damage control and Vanessa making an attempt in trying to save their floundering relationship. I can bet that the rumors are going to stop flying, like, as we speak, now that Johnny’s come out and confirmed their relationship to still be on. Rather odd if you ask me.

Last, if this is true, I’m glad to hear it, all joking aside. Johnny and Vanessa have been together (?) for a decade and a half, now, and that’s more than what you can say for the majority of coupled-up actors and actresses these days. If they’re still doing their thing happily, so be it.


4 CommentsLeave a comment


  • I think it has BECOME an open relationship, but still a relationship because of the kids.

  • He’s into drinking and maybe other stuff. Doesn’t leave a lot of
    room for nurturing a relationship with the mother of your children
    or your children. JD may have to “man-up” and show some love
    to his family and his lover.