Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Becki Newton and Judith Light Read Lines In Traffic

Becki and Judith Take Their Craft Seriously

Honestly, does anyone still care about Ugly Betty? Lord knows I don’t, but I couldn’t resist posting these photos for you of Judith Light and Becki Newton memorizing their lines for the show while strolling the streets of NYC together. Judith looks gorgeous as always (I’ve always loved me some Angela Bower) and Becki Newton is just too fresh-faced and adorable for words. I don’t know if the two were on the clock or not, but I think it’s fabulous that they are so committed that they don’t even take a break from work to walk down the street and practice lines amongst the commoners. Imagine being the tourist from Dayton, Ohio lucky enough to catch a glimpse of these two greats rehearsing lines on the go.

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  • I love Ugly Betty and I can’t wait for the season premiere on the 9th. Unless you just tune in for a couple of episodes every once and awhile you aren’t going to like it because you won’t understand. But I’ve been watching since the beginning and I love this show!