Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Is Still Cutting



Lindsay Lohan had her self-mutilation outed long ago by photographs of the tell-tale scars on her arms, but one would hope that two trips to rehab and a little bit of growing up would help the starlet work her way past these issues. Unfortunately, these photos that were taken in August are just now being blown up to show that not only have Lindsay’s old scars failed to fade, but they are right next to new scars, even ones that have messed up the large tattoo on her forearm.

Self-mutilation is a huge problem with teens everywhere, but there’s been a lot of it in young Hollywood, especially that we’ve seen over the past few years. Other celebrities who have dealt with this private struggle are Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Princess Diana, Courtney Love, Amy Winehouse and Megan Fox. We say this literally all the time, but here’s hoping that Lohan gets the help that she needs.

[photos via ONTD]

41 CommentsLeave a comment

      • Naaah, not quite right: it says “Stars, all we ask for is OUR right to twinkle”.

        Now I’m confused. Is she having multiple personalities as well?

      • Naaah, not quite right: it says “Stars, all we ask for is OUR right to twinkle”.

        Now I’m confused. Is she having multiple personalities as well?

  • I don’t think this is something to make fun of. Yes, Lindsay is crazy and we all kind of enjoy seeing her several public breakdowns, but this is something beyond words. This girl really needs some help, and it’s really sad to see that she has no good people around her. Her own family doesn’t help it at all. I just hope she won’t end like MJ.

  • maybe i’m a jaded little cunt but…….i’m actually throwing a party the day i read headlines that this fame-hungry douche is dead.

  • self mutilation and injury is a serious problem and is in no way strictly a teenage thing. it starts in childhood usually. then peaks in teen years[usually but not always true!] and continures in some way through adulthood. its a coping mechanism. it hurts inside. now i hurt outside. the inside pain feels much better. in otherwords, it works [for them] so they keep doing it. self destructive, yes. but its hard to stop perminately.
    as a toddler when i was getting screamed at i’d bite myself. or hit my head against the wall. at 11 i first cut. at 16 i did it almost everyday. at 22 now in the past 4 years i’ve done it only a handfull of times.
    i’ve overcome the mental illness i was diagnosed with [which is next to impossible to acheive, but i did]
    its much tougher to overcome than just 2 stints in rehab. this girls life is constant chaos [whether its her fault or not] and i really cant blame her for it especially with a psycho girlfriend like sam.

      • THanks elizabethe and nyota. it just bugs me when people say its a teenage thing or its for attention. it may come across that way but unless you’ve been there you cant know..

  • Wow, I didn’t know celebrities like Princess Diana and Johnny Depp cut too. I figured as much for the rest of them, but those two I had no idea. Is this really true?

  • Her navel is up too high.
    I realize this has nothing to do with the article,
    anatomically, I just thought I’d point it out.

    • Looking at her below the collarbone makes me uncomfortable for some reason. Like she’s deformed or something. Something doesn’t add up right, and I don’t think it’s just the breastbone-belly-button.

  • I have a theory on Lindsay Lohan, but it’s probably not for public consumption and I’ll be flamed to death if I share it explicitly. Look at the relationship with her father. This girl is just… what hope does she have?

  • Nothin a little vitamin e cream won’t fix. In fact, probably already has fixed since this is OLD news. I would like to know why we are reviewing this old, negative story now, when there are plenty of brand new pics and positive stories this w/end about Lindsay in Singapore at the F1 GP. There’s nothing more dreary than obsolete gossip.

  • Ive heard a lot about Lindsay’s antics, but NOT until now that i realized they were so serious. MY GOD this young woman needs love and support for her family and friends, not ridicule and trashing her. come on people arent we happy when people are on top and as soon as we see them slipping we just on the HARSH bandwagon. Where is the love for someone who is obiviously hurting and reaching out for help. Or we gonna wait until its 2 late like a lot of celebrites or friends that we love.?????????

    • I agree.

      Yeah, because we have this thing that while they’re alive we trash them and when they die we talk about how wonderful they were… We can shove that niceness up our asses for all it’s worth after the fact!

      P.S.: Sorry for the harshness, I’m just upset at some of the reactions on here…

  • I don’t understand how some of you can keep making fun of this? I feel bad for the girl. I’ve had some pretty down times myself, and although I’ve never done anything to myself I can certainly understand the desire to. I hope she gets better, for her own sake.

    And how juvenile and just straight-up STUPID do you hvae to be to wish her dead? It’s probably people like you that add to her pain. What exactly has she done to you or anyone else to deserve this kind of negativity?

    I really, honestly wish her the best possible because I think she’s beautiful and a talented actress if she gets her shit together! Life’s a bitch, and it hits some harder than others.

  • Can you even call that self-mutilation? Those cuts are so superficial, its hilarious, this attention whore should really just take a bullet to the brain and get it over with.

  • Erm..
    The Quote
    “Stars: All we ask for is our right to twinkle.”
    Is Deep .. It can mean alot to certain people.
    In my opinion (someone from expierence)
    i can relate to it..
    it means basically wanting a reason to be happy:/
    stop judging.

  • Ps: those scars arent superficial..certain deep self inflicted wounds dont heal correctly after a long time certain ones turn white
    and having selfinjury issues doesnt make you an attention whore..insencitive snob..shes obviously dealing with things over her control.. and making fun of selfinjury or even apllying suicide isnt a laughing matter:/

  • “stars, all we ask for is our night to twinkle”
    “estrellas, lo unico que pedimos es que nuestra noche brille”