Today's Evil Beet Gossip

If Mischa Barton Gets Canned, Who Will I Make Fun Of On The Fall Lineup?


As I mentioned the other day, I just feel like part of my soul has been ripped out ever since Mischa Barton was put into Cedars-Sinai on that 5150.  A life where I feel like I can’t make fun of Mischa is hardly one worth living.  For example, the other day I tried telling a joke to someone about how Mischa was kicked out of a Making a Potholder class over the weekend.  My punch line had something to do with suede fringe and headbands and a crackpipe — as is the punch line for all Mischa Barton jokes — but I couldn’t even get to it … my voice just kind of trailed off …  Where, oh where has my passionate hatred gone?  Oh, what’s the use in continuing?

Anyway, there’s nothing like firing someone from their job when they’re hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts.  And though it’s not official yet, it looks like that could be the fate of Mischa and her role on the CW’s The Beautiful Life.

Radar reports:

The CW’s new drama, about the lives of supermodels, is already preparing for life without Mischa Barton, EW reported, in light of her recent involuntary psychiatric hold implemented by Los Angeles police. Alternate plans have the show replacing Barton’s role — that of Sonja Stonean, an experienced-but-fading model, to be replaced by a different character of the same ilk (which casting has already begun for). Barton’s image was still being advertised on the show’s Web site as of press time.

Listen, it’s a pretty well known fact that I’m not a huge fan of Mischa Barton’s.  As a matter of fact, I was flooded with congratulatory emails when she went off the deep end.  But even I question the judgment of a team of producers that want to replace the suicidal druggie now that she’s locked up and getting help.  These are the same fuckwits that hired her in the first place after seeing her audition tape or any portion of her body of “work.”  Like, her “acting” on the O.C. made her bankable but being enrolled in intensive therapy means she’s out on her ass?

I don’t know, I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.  But I was really looking forward to getting high once a week — is there any other way to get through 42 minutes of Misch? — and watching her new show.  It won’t be the same with a replacement.  

Get well soon, Misch.  Real soon.  I “miss” you.

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wendie, under normal circumstances, I would say “keep the faith,” but here I find myself wanting to say “keep the hate!” She is the worst – please try and maintain that feeling….shouldn’t be hard – just look at her. Seriously disgusting!!!

  • Um… Why are Cindy and Nathan even here? Cindy – there is absolutely no need to be so vile and just disgusting. You have succeeded in making yourself appear to be a low class white (?) trash poorly educated idiot. Kudos.

  • One of two things is happening, the show has such a small budget and is so Zlist that they will not be able to afford the insurance needed now to hire Misha, in case she has another breakdown of some sort and production is shut down or delayed.

    The other is that the producers have gone to see her or spoken to the doctors and she’s in such bad shape she’s not going to be able to be propped to work, and she is very ill, or strung out or what ever is wrong with her. She’s really slid down hill in the last year so it could be a legitimate mental problem, but then if she gets well, reason one kicks in and it will be harder for her to get work.

    It’s actually very sad because like most young stars they don’t save much and have little to fall back on if something happens. This is pretty bad when you really look at it from a business point of view, and tragic from a personal point of view. She’s screwed and in a mental ward.

  • Do we even really really know about what happened with Mischa? I, mean, no one really even knows the full story yet. Her pictures from the day before the 5150 shows that her face is bloated; which coincides with the oral surgery story.

    Whatever it is, I want Mischa to get better soon and start doing ANYTHING even if it means hearing Wendie bitch about her daily. I really hope the story with CW isn’t true. :(

  • That picture looks exactly like it came from the “If celebrities moved to Ohio” series. To think that MB was once one of the most (my taste) sylph-like beauties of her generation (whatever a sylph is).
    This demonstrates a theory of mine that you can’t be sure you’re free unless you’re free enough to abuse your freedom. She just proved how extravagantly rich she was (in beauty) by squandering it. Now what is she left with? So sad.
    By the way…Wendie: You are the funniest person on this site.

  • Can we please see a before and after shot of Mischa side by side? Before crazy, back in her OC days? She’s not even the same person.