Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mischa Ruins Everything

Mischa Barton

I’m so aggravated right now.  Mischa Barton has been placed on a 5150.  For those of you who weren’t paying attention back when Britney got the crazies, that’s an involuntary psychiatric hold.  I’m pissed.

Quite frankly, in my dating days, nothing could kill my ability to orgasm quicker than a guy saying he wanted to get married.  It’s like, once that boundary was crossed, I could never “go there” again.  I’m not sure how my husband dodged that bullet, but whatever. 

The same theory applies with celebrities.  It’s all fun when it’s DUI’s and sex tapes but once they go into a mental hospital I feel like I can never really make fun of them again.  Britney pulled this crap with me and so did Susan Boyle.  Now, my all-time favorite target has betrayed me as well. 

Mischa will get better.  She will get out of the hospital.  She will go on to “star” in  more direct-to-DVD movies and less than mediocre series television shows.  But, it’s like the seal has been broken.  Now that I know about the fragility of her mind, it feels like picking on the handicapped or a child of Tori Spelling.  I just can’t do it.  Please, help me overcome this invisible barrier of decency.

I.  Am.  Depressed.  Oh, and a big thanks to Jennifer for emailing me about this and basically ruining the rest of my life.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Just remember… deep down (and probably still superficially), she’s still Mischa Barton. You’re good.


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  • There is an easy solution to your problem:

    Watch one of her movies. All the way through. It won’t matter if it’s pre or post-mental breakdown. Her acting is all you need to reaffirm your need to pick on her. Because, after all, if she doesn’t understand that she can’t act by now, there’s no curing that crazy.

  • I see nothing wrong with making fun of melodramatic has-been celebutards who aren’t really mentally ill but make themselves that way through drug abuse.

    • well, you know, all of her dramatic behavior and drug abuse can be a sign of mental illness.

      • As a bipolar, I understand self-medicating all too well. But I don’t think making fun of her clothes or her acting is out-of-bounds, even if she turns out to be mentally ill (which I kinda doubt).

  • Wasn’t she just hired to work on a series that was picked up? Great career move!! Unsure of what to think about this, you do have to have some pity for someone who is that spun out. It’s California and everyone is a wee bit insane anyway so you have to be pretty out there to get a commitment order, to be put on a psychiatric hold usually means you are suicidal, which is not a good thing. Wow.

  • Hey Wendie, since you can’t talk about Mischa, let’s just hear more about your orgasms.

  • You’re going to feel pretty stupid if Misha commits suicide. Sometimes a 5150 means a danger to self.

    • Really?? Because IF suicide does happen it will totally be a result of Wendie’s posts.
      Puh-leaze, I see no reason why she is off limits now.
      Don’t get soft on me now Wendie.

  • you know, i clicked on the comments expecting to see lots of comments from the overly sensitive, easily offended types that have been commenting so much lately. it brings me unspeakable joy to know we are all still united against mischa.

  • Am I the only one who has managed to miss everything Mischa-related? I know absolutely nothing about her except for what I read on this site! Who is she again?

  • well you have one thing to thank mischa-mischa for, since this is one of your best posts yet!!

  • I wish you had died Wendie, hitting out at women celebs all the time
    when your not perfect yourself, out of envy of them its pathetic.
    You would probably point out that so and so has been out with two different guys in a week but you probably take it up the arse every night..