Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Looking Up

Stocks in overseas markets saw positive gains on Monday and U.S. futures trading indicates that the market will be positive on Monday.

Details of the $700B bailout plan are supposed to be discussed at 8 am EST on Monday. So we’ll see how the market takes to that.

Lest you get too hopeful, keep in mind that the National Debt Clock on West 44th Street and Sixth Avenue has now run out of digits. America: FUCK YEAH!

For a good laugh in the face of all this, please check out my new favorite Tumblr blog, Sad Guys on Trading Floors.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well, think about this: 8 years ago Bush inherited an economy that had the largest budget surplus in the history of this country. Clinton had to fight tooth and nail against a joint congress to achieve this, making the utter collapse of our economy 8 years later nothing less than criminal.

    Not only is Bush a war criminal and possibly the stupidest man to be President, but he’ll saddle generations of Americans with debt, your grandchildren will still be paying for is ineptitude. Vote carefully people, and if you voted for Bush, you need to make it up to the rest of us by not voting in McCain, stay home if that’s going to be your choice. You owe us the rest of us that much.

  • re; jinxy

    i’m with jinxy! it’s time everyone gets behind obama and does what’s right. so what that we really don’t know anything about him or that he won’t release his records from harvard or discuss his association with certain rouge elements from our countries past. we’ll be killing two birds with one stone, basically. after he’s president we’ll no longer have to hear about racial divisions in our country and at the same time will have a growing economy that will make other countries envious once again. ignore those that feel it’s like throwing shit against the wall, regardless of which one we choose. it’s time to crown our new King folks, and this time it ain’t Martin Luther! burn in hell, McCain! burn in hell!