Today's Evil Beet Gossip Contest: WEEK 3

Yes, it’s true, we’re entering the THIRD WEEK of the Blogger Challenge, which means you guys only have two more weeks of being bothered by me about this!!! The bad news: You only have two more weeks to help make a huge difference in the educations (and lives!) of students in high-poverty areas.

First off: THANK YOU to those of you who have contributed. In just two weeks, Evil Beet’s readers have raised nearly $1500 and helped over 2000 students!!!!! In fact, this blog has seen more reader participation than both TechCrunch and Engadget, and has reached more students than BOTH of those (HUGE) blogs combined. In fact, we’re currently ranked #6 in giving among all general blogs — that’s phenomenal. Forget about technology — GOSSIP can save the world! I am SO proud to have such amazing and open-hearted readers.

Secondly: Because your donations have helped complete HALF of our original projects, I’ve added a ton more as we enter the second half of the contest. I’ve tried to include more projects focusing on math, physical education, special needs students and arts & music, while some of the original projects, which focused mostly on literacy, still need donors.

The new projects include:

  • Providing graphing calculators to a high-poverty school’s VERY FIRST class of AP Calculus students.
  • Providing sports equipment to an inner-city school’s after-school program to help keep kids off the street while their parents work long hours.
  • Bringing art supplies to a second-grade class of special education students so they can express themselves creatively when they can’t find the right words.
  • Helping high-poverty elementary school students with parents stationed in Iraq learn math with hands-on tools.
  • And many many more!!!

Also, several of the new projects I’ve added have donor-matching programs, where a large corporation or organization has agreed to MATCH whatever individual donors contribute. So if you donate $10, it’s really worth $20 to these students.

When you donate, you also have the opportunity to leave a message of encouragement for the students who will be benefiting from your donation, and you’ll receive a thank-you from their teacher as well.

Please consider digging into your wallet to help out these students, who need our support now more than ever.


4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m glad you added a project for gifted kids. There’s so much emphasis on getting kids who are behind up to grade level that programs for gifted kids don’t get enough attention.

  • My son needed one of those calculators – talk about taking a bite out of the paycheck! So yay Beet for including that!!

  • alright beet you got me. the egg project looked like a lot of fun and i love the concept being taught. after my donation is matched you will be $19 away from completing another project!