Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Anne Heche Is a Trainwreck: Exhibit 8,942

Anne Heche says she can no longer pay $15,000 in monthly child support to ex-husband Coley Laffoon, ever since her TV show, Men in Trees, got canned.

“I am continuing to look for work, but I have no offers pending and the impending strike by the Screen Actors Guild reduces my prospects for work even further,” Heche, 38, writes in court papers. “Since January 18, 2008, I have been unemployed and had no income from employment except for one very short-term contract for a movie role for which I received a total of $65,00, approximately the amount I received for one episode of Men In Trees.”

The court’s giving her a break on this one for now, but the judge ordered the actress to provide updated income and expense information.

Dude, you were making $65,000 an episode for the entire run of that show?

What were you doing with all that money that you have none left over now?

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I couldn’t watch that show she was in knowing that at one time she was a clam dipper. I would have watched it with any other actress.

  • I’ll asssume that Anne Heche was making $65,000 an episode for Men In Trees, and not $65,00. Still, 44 episodes (roughly the two seasons that the show ran) at $65,000 a piece doesn’t mean Anne Heche could go on paying $15,000 a month in child support, even after that windfall ceased coming in.

    in realistic terms, the math of that monthly payment would eventually have come back to punish her, especially if she’s not already working off of an already sizeeable nest nest egg.

  • because shes cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

    what i want to know is why is this public information?