Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Christina Aguilera is Ready to Move On

No, not from her career or alcohol or even her new man. Singer Christina Aguilera has decided to sell her home, which you may remember as the former Osbourne residence.

The move could be for a whole host of reasons. Now that she’s separated from her ex-husband, she probably isn’t interested in keeping up the kind of space that was built for an entire family, not to mention that the easiest way to break bad habits is to move (that’s seriously how I managed to quit buying Doritos when I went to the grocery store.) But I’d put my money on something entirely different: The fact that Christina’s ex won’t seem to move out. I’m guessing that Christina got tired of her ex-hubby refusing to move out of their place and decided to sell it out from underneath him. Ruthless? Maybe, but who gives a fuck?

Have y’all ever had to do something extreme to move on from an ex?

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