Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton

Speaking of Simon Rex

He was in the movie “Pledge This.” You know, the one with Paris Hilton. The trailer makes sure that you know that she is in the movie. It looks awful, but awful in a...

Elliot Mintz is a LIAR!

Elliot Mintz is that little man that always follows around Paris Hilton, trying to clean up her messes. He is always denying her ho bag ways and I’m guessing he gets paid quite a lot...

Weekend Round-Up

Oh thank heavens. Aaron Carter and Jack Osbourne are feuding. And here I was worried it was going to be another slow news week. [AllieIsWired] Heather Locklear and David Spade left Mr...

Happy Slow News Week to You, Too!

Slowest. News week. Ever. So, celeb gossip bloggers have taken to their favorite slow-news-week activity: posting outtakes and best-takes from celeb photo shoots. Check out some of my...

Quote of the Day

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like Paris Hilton.” A customer at LA restaurant Koi, to Paris Hilton.