Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton

Paris Snubbed by Another Greek Family

According to Page Six this morning, Stavros’s parents are none too happy that their son might be close to getting engaged to Paris Hilton. After speculation that Paris’s first...

Cleaning up the Weekend

After almost days of searching, the paparazzi catch Nicole Richie and Joel Madden together. Take that, Hilary Duff. Now you’re left all alone with your hyper-successful, talent-driven...

Paris a Parent???

Apparently Britney is having as harmful an impact on Paris as Paris is having on her. After all the time Paris has spent with Britney and her two sons, she now wants to have kiddos of her...

Are Brit Brit and Paris Getting It On?

Blind Item: “Which new pair of best friends are actually more? When they get back to their hotels or homes, the clothes come off.” Um, so Britney is doing coke and Paris Hilton...

Welcome to the Black Hole of Stupidity

Via Page Six this morning, “In a move that may cause a black hole of stupidity to implode in the middle of Las Vegas, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton have been tapped to co-host the...

Late-Night Links

Mary Kate and Ashley appear on The Today Show to give their first interview in two and a half years. They both appear sober and talk mostly about their careers. Yawn. [MollyGood] Tom Cruise...

Menage a Trois!

Paris and Lindsay can never stay mad at each other, and it seems now Britney Spears has been drawn into this love/hate relationship. It wasn’t too long ago that Lindsay Lohan was...

Monday Morning Music

I was sent a lovely email last week from one of our dedicated readers telling me to check out Joshua Radin. I love love love singer songwriters and he is just brilliant. Think Josh Kelley...

Britney Spears Crotch Shot: Coming Soon?

According to the NY Daily News: Spears was snapped with Hilton on Friday night leaving West Hollywood’s Hyde nightclub in a white T-shirt and black mini-skirt (both very Hilton-esque)...

Paris Hilton Has Alcoholism The Flu

Our favorite heiress was partying in Las Vegas recently, when she puked on stage. Josh Radin gives us the play-by-play on his MySpace page. “Paris Hilton …was sitting next to me...