Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Dina Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is a Really Bad Liar

And she uses “big words,” like “disconcerting.” She also claims that she’s not taking drugs and doesn’t understand why people say that she’s going...

The Lohan Tapes Continue

I know that you were thinking that Michael Lohan is the biggest piece of shit ever to father an untalented actress/director/fashion designer/singer, but you haven’t been given all the...


“The critics can say whatever they want, but Lindsay is a genius.” – Dina Lohan to the New York Post on her incredibly brilliant daughter whose father says she could be...

Dina Lohan to Create Shoe Line

I don’t even know what to do with this story. Dina Lohan is “releasing” a line of shoes called … this is not a joke … “Shoe-han.” Which...

Lindsay Lohan’s House Burgled

Lilo returned home from her stint as a guest judge on Project Runway to find that her house had been broken into. Police are currently assembled at the house, but there are no suspects in...

Your Daily Lohan!

She’s alive!!! After falling off the radar for OVER A WEEK, Lindsay Lohan and some weird-ass gloves resurfaced this weekend in New York, along with her mom and sister, Ali. Dude...