Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse

Blake Is Going Back to Jail

So sad. And, yet, so very, very predictable. Blake Civil-Fielder has failed a drug test, and sobriety was a part of his early release agreement, so he’s going back to the slammer...

Amy Winehouse Is Back in the Hospital

Yes, Wino’s back in the hospital, once again for an “adverse reaction to medication.” I’ll make the same joke I made last time: the medication in question is crack...

The Crazy Parade Marches Onward

Oh, look, it’s Amy Winehouse, looking absolutely stunning and put-together. Hey, have you seen her face close up? I just feel it’s worth showing you, because the precision on...

Blake Is Free!

After a year, Amy Winehouse’s enabling husband Blake Fielder-Civil is out of jail but into rehab.  I hate to say it but his release bumps both of them up near the top of my death...

Amy Winehouse Back In Rehab

Really.  I know.  Shocking.  After taking the weekend off, she’s back in for “ongoing treatment“.  What rehab program lets you take a two-day break to...

Amy Winehouse Invited to Space Opera

The Church of Scientology has reached out to Amy Winehouse in an effort to help with her spiraling drug addiction.   Narconon, based on the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard, is a...