Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Is Back in the Hospital

Yes, Wino’s back in the hospital, once again for an “adverse reaction to medication.” I’ll make the same joke I made last time: the medication in question is crack.

Her spokesdude says was admitted to the hospital on Sunday after suffering an allergic reaction. She is currently undergoing tests and will remain there for observation.

I’m not at all worried. Nothing can hurt Amy Winehouse. She is invincible. If it were possible for her to die, it definitely would have happened by now. Amy will outlive us all. She’s probably like those vampires in Twilight. Except instead of being a “vegetarian” vampire who only drinks animal blood, Amy is a “crackhead” vampire who only consumes crack-cocaine.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The story being printed over here in the UK is a two-day drink and drugs bender after a blazing row with Blaaaaaaaaaaaaake on the blower.

  • “She’s probably like those vampires in Twilight. Except instead of being a “vegetarian” vampire who only drinks animal blood, Amy is a “crackhead” vampire who only consumes crack-cocaine.”


  • Spewing that she turned out such a crackhead. The chick is really talented. Hey remember that episode of The Simpsons when all the billboards came alive and the only way to defeat them was not to look at them (you know, Lisa made that song ‘Just don’t look, just don’t look’)? Well, I think that may be the key to defeating Amy Winehouse. We should just stop paying attention. But she’s kind of like a trainwreck hey? You know it’s going to be awful and tragic, but you just can’t help taking a peek. Poor, silly girl.

  • Hilarious.

    Too bad there’s no Count Conservator around to set her straight long enough to get her eyeliner on right.

  • Amy please please please please please please please please please please please please pleaseeeeeeeee get some help and get better. You are a phenomonal songwriter and singer and you have more talent under your cracknail than Britney Spears/ Paris Hilton/ Lindsay Lohan have in their entire bodies combined. I seriously LOVE you and if you die young from drugs I will be heartbroken. Your music is incredible. PLEASE GET BETTER! Prayers for Amy

  • Keith Richards, my thought exactly. My poor Amy.
    What does she have to do before it’s legal to keep her under lock & key for a year, hospital, not prison?

  • What no one knows is that long…long time ago…Keith Richards Fucked Chuck Norris…Little Amy was born. She is said to be invincible…

    Munra, from the thundercats was named honorary uncle!

  • @ Spob

    “still even as she is, more guys fancy her than you!”

    I don’t think Beet gives a damn about the kinda guys who would be attracted to a wasting addict. They either just want her money or they want a weak person to control.

  • what if all this medical shit is, like, true?
    i feel like we should stick her ass on house and see what he can do with her.
    i mean, other than score drugs?
    i feel like he’d discover some crazy hidden condition that’s just masqueraded as being a fuckup all this time.

    … aaand whatever.

    it’s a weak idea.

    hugh laurie is FUCKING hot, though.

    which is really all that matters.

  • Poor Amy… I wish she’d get some real help. I think she’s talented, but she looks worse and worse everytime I see another picture of her! Hopefully she’ll see one day.