Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Crazy Parade Marches Onward

Oh, look, it’s Amy Winehouse, looking absolutely stunning and put-together.

Hey, have you seen her face close up? I just feel it’s worth showing you, because the precision on her eyeliner really deserves to be noticed. Damn, she looks really good for an octogenarian.

HOW IS THIS GIRL NOT DEAD YET? The human species is truly a resilient one. I think Amy exists to teach the world about faith. I think she’s a spiritual guide of sorts for our planet. Eckhart Tolle better watch his back. Because, look: If you’re one of those people struggling to come to grips with the presence of God in our world, take a good hard look at Amy Winehouse. A person like this does not survive on the strength of her body alone. Someone is taking good care of this bitch that she’s even breathing, let alone walking. Preach on, Amy!

31 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Thou art a guru and truly preach what is true in the world…

    Give up on competing with Silverstone for vegan of the world and write one on survival of the druggiest.

  • OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that was Keith Richards!!!!!!!!!!!!Holy God.
    Poor girls family, think what her mama must look like knowing this is what her daughter has become. That spouse of hers is quite a looker, too. MMMMMM. ( insert vomit sound here)

  • She looks like Miss Gulch (who took Toto away) in “The Wizard of Oz” (aka the Wicked Witch of the West). Oops, did that sound mean?

  • I know drugs f*** you up, but I am truly stunned by the damage she has done to herself in just a few short years. She is a poster child for the anti-war campaign: “This is your face on drugs.”

  • To Erin:
    What causes the complete degeneration of all flesh, teeth and destroys one’s complexion?
    Meth and crack…apparently Ms. Winehouse dabbles in those a bit.


  • Well this certainly stops you from glamourizing drugs. Apparently heroin doesn’t distinguish between stars and normal people. I feel for her though, nobody turns into that if you think you have a choice. She just can’t help it.

  • Beet, would you be able to put up pictures of Amy Winehouse in a timeline style? Post one from 2 or 3 years ago, then a year ago, then maybe 6 months ago, and then this. I’m really interested in seeing her progressive physical spiral downward.

  • I no longer find anything about her situation funny or shocking. Just sad. I’ve known too many beautiful people who could bring so much joy to others but are no longer here because of drugs and personal demons. This is just a little bit too real for me.

  • @SJ you’ll find her downward spiral coincides with falling in love with Blake. Before that she was a healthy uk size 10/12 who loved a drink and a bit of grass but stated several times she didn’t bother with hard drugs. It was that asshole who introduced her to the world of hard drug addiction. She just took whatever he gave her. Of course he didn’t force her but she is a deeply vulnerable woman with shockingly low self esteem and major unresolved childhood issues and he knows it.

  • gee, it appears her ‘star of david’ is working as it’s obviously shielding her from harm much like it did the biblical david. god is obviously a fan of jewish rockers which explains why dylan is still a walking cadaver after smoking 5 packs a day his entire life. note to self, time to change religions as my mormon ‘shield against fags’ pendant seems to not be near as p.c. nowadays.

  • I have decided to print out these pictures and show them to my future children. If this doesn’t work as the anti-drug, there is no hope.

  • come on this is the good side of drugs

    look at that girl, she is going strong and loving every moment, god help us all to be a little more like amy

    i don’t know about the rest of you guys but i’d definitely tap that

    go amy

  • she was a size 14 actually… bet the americans are gasping at the HUGENESS they believe this to be.

    She choose to do drugs herself, and it was after breaking up with the blakester and mourning for the loss of the love of her life that she wrote the album you all know her for.

    Without loving and loosing him she wouldn’t have made it big, no inspiration like heartbreak.

    She was reportdly a self harmer, and suffering from a combination of ED’s back then too. All prior to the marriage of the blakester.

    It is awaful to see the physical effects of drugs on her, she’s still really young – only just turned 25, i mean compare her to Britney who you all though was going to go crazy and kill herself. It’s uncomfy to watch but it’s HER choice to do as she wants with her life. It’s a shame you find it so funny to ridicule her though, you never were this spiteful towards britney, even in her fanny [yanks read as vag] flashing days

  • Jagger/Richards in a beehive wig anyone?

    Niblet, I may follow your lead on that one.

    That’s some scaaaaaary stuff. Girl looks like the living dead. And not even the good zombies!

  • The talentless Britney shaves her head and the u s of a goes mental.

    Amy has plenty of problems but don’t take the piss just ‘cos she doesn’t look like a disney starlet. She’s self harmed before, and had bulimia, depression, all sorts of issues. But she has TALENT.
    What’s Britney good at? seriously?

    Oh, and I suppose you’re all beautiful, right?

  • SIMON…..there is a huge difference between being beautiful and looking like rats have been chewing on your face for 6 months! I mean COME ON!

  • Me: …Amy Winehouse looks like Keith Richards here.
    Dad: *looks* Yeah, pretty much.
    Me: You know, she’s twenty-five and–
    Dad: OH MY GOD!!! She twenty-five?!?! I thought she was forty-something, at least!

    Lol@people who learn.