Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Jam Session

This clip just hit YouTube.

I swear to God, every time I see Amy Winehouse I get a contact high.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Nice as usual. I see she’s steady as a rock and she’s definitely ok. For the next few seconds at least…

  • after the nuclear holocaust , there`ll be two survivors :-
    a cockroach…..and Amy Wino!
    I mean….she is impervious to…like,everything!

  • That just irritated me, ’cause I kept waiting for Amy to start giving me chills, belting out some snippet of a soulful song, but instead it was that guy, who knows who he is, and Amy was just f*ckin’ around playing bass, spun to the guns of course. I just wanted to hear her sing, even if it would’ve been only 60 seconds of her voice, I’d have been stoked.

    I’m a huge fan of Amy Winehouse, and I’m kicking myself for never taking the opportunity to have seen her live when she came to L.A. about a year ago. STUPID!! What was I THINking, blowing that off?! Who knows if she’ll ever make it back to the states to sing, if she keeps up this drug frenzy she’s not gonna make it another damn year.

  • What’s with the Biafra belly? She is the walking dead poster child for desecrating the temple of one’s body. Poor thing.

  • How can one person ingest so much poison and still be alive? She used to be so pretty, and now she looks like a crack ho on the corner, or one of the addicts who have to go to the soup kitchen across from my apartment every day.
    I never understood how they live their lives every day, it just seems so pointless and sad. How can they live?
    And I’m not talking about the people who have no choice but to live on the streets, I’m talking about the ones who CHOOSE a life of addiction and poverty.

  • Once you are addicted there isn’t a choice, per se. That’s why it’s called ADDICTION.

    However, the choice to try and get beyond that addiction (I won’t say cure, because, sad as it is, once addicted to something you are ALWAYS in danger of regressing) is one that can and must be made.

    I find it sad that anyone suffers with this kind of life but most don’t have it splashed all over the world. But, lest I sound like she isn’t the one responsible for her life, I reiterate, the choice is hers to overcome it. It’s painful for others to watch, to be sure…but there is a damn thing anyone can do unless the addict chooses first.

    Having experienced this in my own up close and personal life…trust.

  • “However, the choice to try and get beyond that addiction (I won’t say cure, because, sad as it is, once addicted to something you are ALWAYS in danger of regressing) is one that can and must be made”

    That is so true, and I have also struggled with dependency issues.
    I have an addictive personality, and have to be very aware of what I’m doing, what and how much am I taking.
    I have to ask myself when I go out with the girls drinking, do I really need/want this drink? Have I gone past my limit? am I binging? Is this something I’m going to regret in the morning? Am I just drinking to have fun, or am I self medicating now? There was nights I would go out, and come home three days later after coke/Ecstasy/alcohol/ bender and then sleep for a day, only to wake up and do it again.

    I stopped because I woke up one morning and the realization hit me like a freight train, I was killing myself, I was withdrawing from my friends and family, I was blowing my pay checks on drugs and alcohol.
    My son was taken away from me, he now lives with my parents, and I am still working on recovering.

  • PMP,

    as you know. you’ll always be working on recovery. Rest of your life. I have an addictive personality too. Not drugs or alcohol but totally still get your perspective. Congrats on any and every day of sobriety.

  • @ Wellhonestlynow

    It’s tough sometimes, I still have to watch the little things, like food, and video games, gambling etc…

    lol I find myself obsessively picking fuzzies of a blanket or sweater, lining pencils up on desks, re arranging things, or organizing them in some way.

  • I just think she gets up in the morning and listens to one song over and over. The MM ditty, “I don’t like the drugs but the drugs like me.”

    That or the other MM ditty, “The Dope Show.”

  • I can’t even watch this. I love her music and had hoped she’d snap out of it during her little stays at rehab…it reminds me too much of my ex husband and his heroin addiction. You want to grab them and shake them until some sense gets knocked into them, but the drugs have a very powerful hold that you can’t get through.

  • Another voice from recovery here, it can be done, but you’ve got to want it. Amy just never looks like she wants it. PMP, holla!

  • Congrats to you , purple! I wish you Godspeed on your life…it’s a tough, tough, road. But you’ve already taken a step down it, towards a better existence. Truly, no bullshit, I really do wish you well….
    and everyone else struggling.

    Amy Winehouse is hard to watch…it’s like watching an animal trapped in a cage, with a light shining in their eyes 24/7…no escape, no relief. Beyond painful. Maybe she can find it within herself before it’s too late.

    When I said you must do it on your own, I mean that choice to get help…but having support around you is very vital as well, structure to help bolster your will. Hopefully, she and others struggling can find that.

    Peace y’all!

  • That’s Tyler James there at the beginning isn’t it? I’d forgot he and Amy were friends.
    I don’t know if he made it over to the states but he had a hit in the UK with ‘Foolish’.
    Is this recent? I mean I thought his career was over. Good to know he’s still working…..

  • pmp – good for you, I wish you the best of luck! I have an addictive personality as well, really have to watch it sometimes. I can’t understand for life of me though why I can’t get addicted to, let’s say excerise or vitamins or charitable work or… LOL!

  • the difference between my dead grandmother and amy winehouse is that we finally convinced my dead grandmother to quit playing the guitar and buried her already.

  • For those of you that can’t attend an AA meeting – watch Amy on video instead. Kept me sober another day.