Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Just In: Rihanna Thinks Chris Brown Might Be Violent

photo of rihanna and chris brown pictures
God, I could kill myself for even writing that headline, but the worst part about it is that it’s true.

Remember how we found out that Rihanna and Chris Brown had only just recently stopped talking, and Chris started saying things about Rihanna like how she’s a slut and everyone in the business has banged her and so on and so forth? Hollywood Life has the story behind everything that’s gone down, and it’s all over—you guessed it—“love.”

From Hollywood Life:

… “Chris was not willing to end his relationship with Karrueche, even though he made Rihanna believe that he was still madly in love with her,” the source says. “Chris is the one who initially reached out to Rihanna begging for her forgiveness. He was incredibly sweet to Rihanna at the beginning, telling her how much he missed her, how Karrueche could not even compare to her, how he wanted to make things work.”

In fact, his tactics were beginning to work. Despite the fact that he assaulted her two years ago, Rihanna started collaborating with Chris again — even coming out with a remix to her song “Birthday Cake” and seeing each other out at clubs. However, all of their steps forward came to a screeching halt.

“Rihanna would have gone back to Chris, but once she realized that he still had so many anger issues and that he was never planning on leaving Karrueche, she pulled the plug on the relationship,” our insider explains. “Chris basically wanted to have his cake and eat it too.”

After her realization, Rihanna decided to take action…and Chris was not a happy camper.

“When Rihanna finally told him that she was going to start seeing other people if he wouldn’t commit, Chris freaked out and started acting out,” the source says. “His ego just took over and he basically told Rihanna that she was a slut. And then he released that song about Rihanna sleeping around.”

Adds the insider, “Chris tweeted it wasn’t about her, but she knew it was a stab in the back from him. He still has so many control issues.”

And don’t expect to see any more passive aggressive tweets flying back and forth between the hot and heavy pair. Things are officially over.

“Rihanna was willing to give him a second chance, but not anymore,” her friend says. “She is sick of the broken promises. She has moved on once and for all. She realized that she can’t even be casual friends with him, at least not for a very long time!”

Oh right. I totally believe that Rihanna is moving on “once and for all.” I mean, what kind of shit does it take to completely turn someone off? Does he need to beat her so badly that she’s incapacitated in one way or another for the rest of her life? Would it take a spinal injurty or a busted eye or, I don’t know, a forced miscarriage to really hammer into Rihanna’s head that Chris Brown is a piece of shit? Damn, guys. The best part of the end of the quote from the close friend* was the out she gave herself at the end, allowing the opening for Chris Brown to weasel back into Rihanna’s life after the embarrassment of the “ho” comments finally wore down: “… She realized that she can’t even be casual friends with him, at least not for a very long time.” Bitch, please.

*We know it’s you, Rihanna. WE KNOW IT’S YOU.

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It sickens me that Chris Brown is still alive and free. I cannot wrap my mind around how Rihanna could even consider associating with him at all, much less reentering a relationship with him.

  • Rihanna isn’t the first woman to take back an abuser, and sadly, she won’t be the last. Yet, people make it seem as if she’s psycho for doing so. Abuse causes psychological problems, too.

    • It does cause psychological problems. However, simply because accepting her abuser back into her life is not unique does not make Rihanna’s action any less unwise or irrational. That said, I agree that it is important that everyone remember that Chris Brown is the villain and Rihanna is the victim.

      Though I cannot imagine that she is his only victim.

      • I’m not saying it’s not irrational because it is, I just see so many people (not necessarily Sarah) get so angry at her. I don’t think she ever had any counseling after that (I’m sure we would have heard about it) and people around her, Jay-Z for ex., talk about how they don’t want her with him, but who is trying to help her? Or get her help?

      • KS,, Rihanna is an adult, she has to help herself first. You cant intervene in the life of an adult especially when she was considering getting back with him, im sure noone wanted to be a part of that drama. But at least, hopefully itsover now ….. So we will just wait to hear how he is beating this new girl. How can you date a guy who clearly beat up a woman, im suuurreee he’s not going to hit you though!!

  • wow y’all people are weird and your actually having hollywood life as your source? they create posts about CB & Rihanna everyday and it’s full of illiterate shit.

    you do not know chris brown personally, go away

    • You can’t even spell, but you call other people illiterate?

      We know Chris Brown’s well-documented crime of beating the shit out of Rihanna. It’s a FACT, with photographic evidence and a court case recording it.
      We decided he’s a violent piece of shit based on that, his throwing a chair through a window, etc,
      and we are CORRECT.

    • Ethan,
      I’m going do something I never usually do and reveal something about myself.

      I had a mother who was beaten by her boyfriend, she met him when I was in my very early teens. I tell you that it is not at all nice to see your mothers face covered in blood.
      Or to see her hobbling in covered in mud, her trousers wet. She’d pissed herself from the pain of when he pushed her over, got hold of her foot and tried to twist it backwards.

      Oddly enough he stopped when I started beating the shit out of him.

      Please don’t try and defend scum like him. Given the chance I’d gladly beat the shit out of him so bad he’d never post a picture of his ugly fucking face on twitter again.

      One final word Ethan, speaking of illiterate shit, sentences start with capital letters.

      I think this will be my last post tonight, kind of not in the mood anymore.

      • Thanks for sharing. I commend you for your bravery in defending your mother and agree with you that people like that need to be taken out back and shot.

      • Good for you. That sounds like a nightmare; I am so glad that you were able to help your mother.

        I have no compassion whatsoever for those who commit acts of domestic violence.

      • I have to agree with Sarah!!!! also Pediphiles and Rapists too. I do not understand why the hell we keep them crazy people around…Rehabilitation???? Really folks??? I dont know about any of you, but I’m tired of paying taxes and feeding these sickos!!!

    • Don’t know cb and don’t want to know anyone who acts like an asshole like cb. I detect that cb is an asshole and I don’t need to know him to detect that. I see and hear about how he acts. His asshole behavior can be witnessed by viewing videos and listening to the crap he sings and says. This creep opens his mouth and shit comes out.

  • They’re not dating. Just because people make up rumors doesn’t make them true. If she wants to collaborate with him that’s her business.

  • Chris Brown is a pervert. He writes messed up songs, Wet The Bed and abuses Rihanna. That man should go to jail and get help. Rihanna, honey you can’t give him another chance. Leaning on somebody who is harmbg you is masochistic. Your better without him.

    • Take it from a seasoned vet baby once they hit you they don’t Stop 40 yrs later and my x still in anger mode and wants to. Control me and he is married the only connection we have is the gran kids

  • oops chris what/? riri can move on many serious guys are out there ready to take her why waste time on brown

  • My guess would be that Rihanna was abused by someone when she was a child in some way. She doesn’t know she deserves better.

    I agree with the author, however. What is it going to take Rihanna for you to realize your better than this?

  • Riri qualification for a man is who badly can u fuck me up?? can u give me a black eye??? if not you are not the man for me..
    Rihanna=someone w/o much thinking

  • i hate kris brow he broke rhianias nose hes so stupied i don`t like chris brown he is vilonet.good thing they broke up i don`t even like chris not even a tiny bit he has problems he need councling no ofense to him well their is a ofense i hate his voice too

    • What the fuck r u even sayin? how old r u? I agree with the fact that chris is a dumb ass but how r u gonna talk about somebody when u don’t make any damn sense.