From TMZ:
Nadya Suleman completed her first day of XXX shooting at a porn mansion in the San Fernando Valley on Thursday … and we’re told things couldn’t have gone better!!!
We’re told Octo appeared nervous when she arrived to the home … but after chatting with some other porn stars who were at the house, she seemed to calm down.
Before the shoot, producers decided it would be a good idea to screen some porno flicks for Octo as an educational tool … so to speak.
But when it was time for Octo to get down to business … with herself … one source on the set tells us “She was a natural … she looked great!!”
Oh dear God. GOD. God in heaven. First, did you guys know that Nadya Suleman is doing a masturbation film, and not a full-contact porno? Because that’s what it is. And I think that see a Nadya Suleman masturbation flick might be worse than seeing Nadya Suleman having sex with someone, because at least if she were having outright sex with another person (male, female; I don’t even care at this point), it’d at least be possible that she’d be covered up by the other person’s body at some point in the film, and we wouldn’t be exposed to Octopussy or Voldemort or any of the other majorly frightening aspects of Nadya Suleman’s more personal regions.
Are you guys interested in seeing this? Be honest!
Remember that video she did like just a month ago in which she explicitly stated that she didn’t even like to touch her own body because sex and sexual experiences are so sacred? Guess “sanctity” gets thrown out the window when $$$ is involved.
I’m not gonna lie, I would totally watch it if I came across it. But only if it was free.
Is it just me, or does anyone else imagine her cooch looking angry and rabid?
Is it me.. or has her weirdo head grown twice it’s size?
pretty much exactly what it would be like…
I gotta be honest here. I am not at all attracted to her but I will be checking out the video. Call it freak research or something. I’m interested to see how it went down.
Yes, I’ll watch it. The essence of porn is “geez, that’s fucked up! How could that happen to him/her/it….” How could you not be aroused at the thought of a struggling mom with big tits, who swore she’d never do porn, doing porn! And it only gets better because once she spends the little money (trust me it’s little money compared to what she’s gonna get for second base, third base, anal, dp…follow! This is gonna be good!) she’ll be back at the well but she’ll have to do more. In a year’s time we’ll be voting on ‘Nonamom…3 in each hole’ Do you guys wanna see this? Yes! I know, I know, that’s messed up but remember, the essence of porn is…….(pause) geez that’s fucked up…
I’ll each her because she not bad looking with her big breasts