Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy 30th Bey-irthday, Beyonce!

photo of pregnant beyonce pictures photos pics

I know, the whole ‘Bey’ thing in every headline about Beyonce is probably getting old to you, but you know what? Not me!

This weekeend our super pretty pregnant lady turned thirty. Can you believe it? Thirty. You know who else turned thirty over the last year or will turn thirty sometime later this year? Britney Spears. Paris Hilton. Jessica Simpson turned thirty last July. You know, pretty much all of the women that I “grew up” with and this can only mean one thing – it’s going to be my turn someday soon. Not, you know, over the next year or anything (I’ll turn twenty-nine next June, score!), but soon enough. My oh my how the time flies when you’re having fun.

Happy 30th, Beyonce! Love you, girl!