Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan: Definitely Sober, For Sure Not A Hot Mess

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

This is the second day in a row that Lindsay’s been photographed looking beyond trashed.  Girlfriend’s trial is going to go so good.

But for real, these are pictures of Lindsay outside a bar in New York last night.  And I don’t want to pass that much judgement because I’m tired of it, I just want to point out that we’ve all either been or seen That Girl hang out on the dirty ass sidewalk, taking a break because walking is just too hard. We’ve all been in the position where no matter how hard we try, standing up simply isn’t in the cards.  So Lindsay can claim sobriety all she wants, but when you have your face on the ground outside of a bar, that only says one thing, and in her case, that one thing is “probation violation.”

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  • Big fucking deal. I did this last weekend and had a fabulous time. Sure, I had to pick a few butts out of my hair because I was slumped over sweeping them up with my hair but they wash out. So does the spit and piss and whatever else happens to be expelled from someone’s mouth (?).

    God woman, straighten the fuck out. I like you and you make a gorgeous ad.