Today's Evil Beet Gossip

‘Ugly Betty’ Actor Confesses To Murdering His Mother

Actor Michael Brea was arrested last week after his mother was discovered murdered, and in an interview with The Daily Mail this week, he confesses to everything.

Brea, who is currently in the psych ward at Bellevue, said that he was instructed by God to kill his mother because she was possessed by a demon. Here’s more details and parts of the interview from the NY Daily News:

“I didn’t kill her. I killed the demon inside her,” Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital.

When told his mother, Yannick Brea, 55, had died in the grisly assault early Tuesday, Michael was unrepentant.

“So be it. It was the work of God,” he said.

Speaking with white-hot intensity and unflinching confidence, Brea described a shadowy descent into a world filled with Masonic symbolism and black magic beginning late Sunday when he snapped awake.

“I was sleeping in my bedroom. God came above my bed and reached his arm to me,” said Brea, wearing a light-blue prison jumpsuit and slippers. He told his tale while sitting unhandcuffed on a blue chair behind a wood table.

“I said, ‘God, is my time on earth over?’ I heard a voice say, ‘Yes Michael, today is your last day.’ I asked if I could say goodbye to my family.”

The 31-year-old Brea said he told no one about the dream, but the following afternoon, he said he received another sign while at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Harlem, which he’d joined a week earlier.

There, he said, a man approached and tried to put a curse on him.

“[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn’t show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It was a Freemason pin. I wouldn’t touch it,” Brea said.

What is there to say about this other than that this is obviously a tragedy that was brought on by severe mental illness. Here’s hoping that those who knew Brea’s mother personally are handling this okay and that he stays in that psych ward for the rest of his days.

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This story is so so sad and terrifying. Also, I find it odd that a man would have a schizophrenic episode for the first time at 31 years old. Typically, the signs of schizophrenia show up in men much earlier, around 18-24. It makes me wonder if he could have gotten help much sooner; but perhaps people just let it go or ignored the signs because he was “famous”…

  • 2012 is coming, the year of the Free Masons, there will be no Armageddon, no comets, or planes falling, no Jesus returning or Satan rising, 2012 is the year or the ILLUMINATI! ‘Ugly Betty’ and ‘Glee’ is the ILLUMINATI don’t let your kids watch that garbage. Brittany Spears, Taylor Swift, Kanye West is the ILLUMINATI don’t let your kids listen to that stuff, XBox 360 Kinect and every single game you “DANCE” too is ILLUMINATI, LeBron James, and the Miami Heat – ALL ILLUMINATI, 9-11, and The Oil Rig Explosion, ILLUMINATI, don’t let them control your mind with such foolishness… your days are slowly numbered… 12-21-12 will be the RISE of the ILLUMINATI if u keep enjoyin the stupid things in life!