Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Alfie’s Not the Father!!!

Alfie Patten and Girlfriend Chantelle with Baby, Pictures Photos

I’m sure you all remember this story out of the UK, where this baby-faced little boy, 13-year-old Alfie Patten, was said to be the father of little Maisie Roxanne. Maisie’s mom is 15-year-old Chantelle Stedman, and she swore at the time that Alfie was the only boy she’d ever slept with. After the story broke, several other teenage boys came forward to say that they’d slept with her, too, and after DNA testing it turns out that 15-year-old Tyler Barker is actually the father of the little girl. He says he slept with Chantelle only once, and that she said she’d take the morning-after pill the next day. “I thought she’d take care of it,” he said.

ZOMG. What a mess. I feel awful for this Chantelle girl — she made some awful decisions, but she’s still a kid, and she’s being painted as such a hussie by the media internationally. But, listen, ladies and gents: Birth control is EVERYONE’S responsibility, not just the chick’s. And the morning-after pill is NOT a reliable form of birth control. It’s a great thing to use in a pinch, but there are MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE forms of birth control if you’re going to be having sex, such as condoms, an IUD, or the Pill.

Oh, and we’ve got an article over on Zelda Lily about how the pulling-out method is nearly as effective as condoms in preventing pregnancy. But it’s way less effective at preventing STDs! Be safe and smart out there, kiddos. And, for God’s sake, don’t sleep with a 13-year-old boy.

54 CommentsLeave a comment

  • if at 15, you’ve slept with any number of guys and you’re not sure who the father of your baby is, i don’t think it’s a stretch to assert that there’s something wrong with it, even if the terminology is somewhat distasteful.. =(

  • Why are kids having sex at 13 and 15? That is disgusting, even though we should all accept that it happens. Ugh.

    Even if we try and provide all the “education and tools” to avoid pregnancy and STDs, kids will be kids and continue to be stupid and irresponsible. Sorry, but thats the truth.

    • I’m sorry but have you been to a bar lately? People in general and “stupid and irresponsible”. Adults go out to bars on purpose to get drunk and then get laid and at some point perhaps pick up a little infection, a big infection, or even a baby. People just want to freak out because it happened to a 15 yr old. Whatever.

  • At 15 she has had sex with so many boys she doesn’t know who knocked her up…hussie, slut, whore are all correct terms.

    • She may have made bad decisions, but calling her a slut and a whore is also bad. By placing here in a stereotype or in a box you may make it easier for her to just stick with the decisions she’s made so far and not try to change. She may have issues that affected her, so I don’t think you should make judgments before you know her story.

      • Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. It is what it is. Poor Chantelle. She had unprotected sex and got pregnant. She was informed enough to know about the morning after pill.

      • Well all know her story. She likes having unprotected sex with so many boys she can’t figure out who is the father.

        Hussie, slut, whore. You can pick any word you prefer out of the three. Regardless she likes putting out.

      • Because she appears large and pasty. Just kidding. Because she’s the dumb ass that will likely sacrifice her life for her child. That young man will go merrily about his business knocking up girls.

  • I still can’t believe the boy is 13. He doesn’t look any older than 8 or 9 years old. All of the kids involved in this mess need a swift kick in the ass. They’ve all be irresponsible.

  • I seriously don’t understand why she’s having so much sex. I know she’s just a kid but look at her, she’s a troll.

    • Most men don’t care what the women looks like, just as long as she has a vagina.

      Also, give the girl a break. She just went through hours and labor and pushed that baby out of her vagina. No one looks glamorous after that!

    • You’re a freaking idiot who took the time to comment, but did not take the time to READ the article.

  • THE PULL OUT METHOD IS NOT NEARLY AS GOOD AS USING A CONDOM…UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET PREGNANT. This is why there are so many unintended pregnancies because people actually believe these sex myths. Are you really that stupid, Beet? I know you’re better than that.

    • Yah that was my issue with this article…I don’t really think this is the best thing to promote. Hey…did you know that Coke is great spermicide? Blah

    • I can side with Beet on this one. Not recommending it or anyting, but I’ve been with my boyf for over 5 years, since I was 17, and the pull out method is very successful for us. . Just saying, that’s all.

      • Maybe you or he are sterile. The fact is that condoms are 98% effective when used appropriately. The “pull-out” method is less than 50% effective, because (1) most don’t do it right, and (2) you can get pregnant from “pre-cum,” which actually has a higher sperm density than semen; it doesn’t require ejaculation.

      • I cannot believe you would endorse the pull-out method as a succesful way to prevent pregnancy! Have you idiots never heard of pre-ejaculate?!
        I agree with Scott, those of you for whom pulling out works are probably sterile and should get tested.

      • I dont know, i used the pull out method for 3 years with my boyfriend and after one drunken night of not pulling out, i ended up pregnant so i guess were not sterile. Just saying.

        But yea i agree that the method shouldnt be promoted as effective birth control to all.

      • Like “yeayea” I was just saying. It’s working for ME. I’m not endorsing it at all. I even said I’m not recommending it. I can just understand what Beet was saying about the pull-out method. Of course I’ve heard of pre-cum. I guess we’re just more careful and he knows what he’s doing.

  • I might get flack for this, but any 15 year old sleeping around with that many guys is not a hussie. She’s a whore. xP

  • Didn’t we already get this information?
    Thanks for the lesson on birth-control Beet. I’m sure your cats are all neutered and spayed…
    That’s great. Back to the gossip.

  • What I want to know is who is raising the baby???? It had better not be Chantelle’s mother who couldnt even control her own daughter or Chantelle the 15yr who need a paternity test to see who the daddy was. Someone get this baby into a home where she can be raised by responsible adults! no need to mess up a 3rd generation.

  • a. That was a staged photo, we can all agree. As such, it’s not surprising that the boy has been made up and coached to look as young as possible. He probably has a crappy half-stache, spiky hair, hoody and baggy pants and looks 12 most of the time, rather than 8.

    b. Given that it’s a staged photo, why does she look like the Emperor so much? Make up anyone? The boy got some.

    • *laughing* Emperor! So true.
      But seriously, that kid looks so young that it creeps me out that anybody had sex with him.

    • FOR THE LOVE OF GOD – why are people finding the concept of a ‘follow-up’ so damn hard to understand?

      • i think what they’re saying is the follow up is a little late, seeing as how the identity of the father was revealed awhile ago.

  • and where were these kids parents? they may have made some pretty stupid decisions, but i’m guessing they had pretty poor role models

  • Tyler made a remark about sleeping in Chantelle’s bedroom with her mom’s knowledge. You can’t exactly blame the kid when her mom lets this happen. For all we know, the mom probably brings in random guys home as well.

  • Many young people have entered the flesh trade just to
    satisfy their materialistic needs. These young people did not become part-time prostitutes because of poverty, but rather because they wanted to. Monkey see.. Monkey do.
    Promiscuous sex has become a mental illness with the world.

  • Even if having sex at a young age isn’t right, as a 16 years old I wouldn’t tell you “DON’T HAVE SEX!”, because if they’re planning to have sex, this is obviously not an option. But I would definitely tell you to protect yourself. If you wanna have sex, that’s ok, that’s between you and your partner, but take care of yourself!

    And this girl, come on, don’t say we can’t call her a slut. Because that is what she is! I mean, she’s 15, and she has slept with so many guys that he can’t know who the father of her child is. So please, she’s a whore, and that’s it.

  • You know, it’s not uncommon for girls that are promiscuous to have been sexually abused or molested. Ever consider that she may deserve some compassion instead of scorn? We don’t know the full story, and there may be a lot more to it than we know.

  • Whatever someone’s sexual history, using terms like ‘slut’ is dehumanising and avoids seeking a way forward for that person. At fifteen, someone is likely to make poor decisions, especially given the background this girl has come from and the poor parenting she’s been subjected to. Giving her a label just reduces the chances she’ll ever try to live up to anything else. I feel sorry for all these kids. They are local to where I live and I know exactly the kind of crap they’ve grown up in. These are people who need help, not judgement.

  • Shit! she doesn’t need any compassion! Lets call a duck a duck… she is a 15 year old whore that tried to pin getting popped on a 13 year old boy to keep her from looking like such a slut! My question is , where was hers and his damn parents? Thats who I blame… Yea kids will be kids and the want to experiment but my God! sounds like she been experimenting with the whole neighborhood…. I know where my kids are every second of the day! So unless they are screwing on the bus they aint gettin none!

  • to all you snotty people who keep saying this is new news, it isn’t. i read about who the real father was on the aol pop up menu weeks ago.