Today's Evil Beet Gossip

A Cruise-Beckham Family Thanksgiving!

Now we’ve got even more pics of the Cruise family on Thanksgiving — including the rarely seen Bella and Connor!!! — hanging out with the Beckhams for the holiday in NYC.

Is this a new tradition?

VERY cute!

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Scientologists only hang out with other scientologists. Tommy boy would have given up trying to recruit them long ago so they are part of the cult.

  • we are so happy the americans took the beckhams, to show our gratitude we return madonna to you. You need give us nothing in return.

  • I like how the Cruises are the only ones smiling in any of the pictures. Also, that sucks for a kid to grow up with paparazzi.

  • DAY-UM! Yo, for-reels…i didn’t even recognize Conner and Bella in the backgrond! I-swear-to-god, my mind just dismissed Conner as one of the security guys! when did he turn into a linebacker? lololol!

    and poor Bellz didn’t even register at all, it’s like she’s not even there. poor thing.

    i promise ima gonna have a HUGE champagne celebration toast when/if those two start their teenaged-angst-ridden rebellion, which will embarrass the shit out of Cruise, through a monkey-wrench in his scientolo-bullshit, and should be starting any minu….



  • In return for America’s kindness in taking the Beckhams, and accepting a return of Madonna from Britain, Australia would at last like to acknowledge with heartfelt thanks Britain’s acceptance of Rolf Harris. Please, America, there is no need to show your willingness to climb on the rotating celebrity bandwagon by sending the Paris Hiltons or Pamela Andersons, or indeed Britney “trainwreck but loved and cared for” Spears southwards. Our borders are now closed and we send all aliens to the Pacific Solution.