Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Aniston Blasts Angelina — FINALLY!

Word on the street is that Jennifer Aniston gets way honest in an upcoming interview with American Vogue, telling the mag that “what Angelina did was very uncool.”

A source said: ‘This interview shows that Jennifer is no longer afraid of Angelina,’ adding: ‘It’s hugely significant.’

In the magazine’s December issue, Miss Aniston is said by industry insiders to have given her most candid interview yet, offering countless details about her new Beverly Hills estate, her unusual relationship with her parents, and intimate secrets about her romantic life.

As they were: Pitt and Aniston at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2004 – seven months before they split

‘She’s never been this honest or brave in an interview before,’ said the source, who has seen the completed, lengthy package, due on sale in the U.S. in a few days.

The source added: ‘This certainly raises the bar on celebrity profiles. Jennifer opens up about her sex life, her career, and her feelings about life after her divorce.

‘She must have had a lot on her mind, because she lets go on everything.’

Oooooh, I am SO EXCITED!!!! I have been WAITING for this moment!!!

61 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Just can’t wait to see it come out, see the dirt fly…She needs to stop whining though… tells you that John Mayer doesn’t fulfill all those needs Brad did… TEAM ANGIE!

  • I don’t think that Brad is coming back to Jennifer so why is she doing this? Plus, she can bash Jolie all she wants, just because she made moves on her husband, he could/should have said no. Why isn’t he at fault here? It takes two to tango. I also don’t have a big amount of respect for anyone, especially celebrities, who have to dish out about their private lives. I would think she would keep it classy but still. I am so sick about hearing of these three. It’s simple, Brad cheated on his wife and he left her. It’s sad that a guy would do that to his wife but who can respect that? JA needs to move on with her life and stop living in the past. You only live once.

  • Amen. This is why I never look at Angelina and think she’s gorgeous, I look at her and think how much it sucks that she stole someone’s husband that the other woman really loved. Also Brad is a two-timing crapbag no matter how many babies the two of them spawn or adopt.

    TEAM ANISTON. She may not pump out babies every six months but at least she never wrecked anyone’s marriage.

  • At least Angelina’s done something for humanity, all Jennifer has done is ride on her ill-deserved success with Friends. Team Ange!

  • Jolie is a crazy slut who is now spending lots of time trying to make us think she’s not crazy. But I have faith her true self will raise it’s wack-a-doodle head someday. Soon I hope!

  • Pak,

    I don’t think Jen really cares to even have Brad back at this point. This is something that she has to do for herself. Up till now, she’s pretty much kept to herself about what really happened. Others were bitching at Angelina FOR her. Honestly, I’m surprised Jen hasn’t come out earlier with this. Think about how hard it can be for a person to admit that she was cheated on by her husband? Now multiply that by tenfolds! Everyone in America knew about it. That just sucks.

    I can’t love Brad like I use to anymore simply because of that. I know people make mistakes all the time, and it’s great that Brad and Angelina are so in love — but that doesn’t excuse their actions. Not one bit.

  • I think because it happens “all the time” people think it’s easy to get over it when a spouse cheats. Well, it’s not. I think Jen has been really gracious and I think she’s entitled to that simple and telling comment. It was uncool and what Brad did was uncool, too.

  • Surely it should be ‘What Brad did was realy uncool’?
    Aniston needs to get over it, something that Brangelina seems to have done a long time ago…

  • oh this should be good. she’s actually well-spoken and has a dry sense of humor, and knows just how to put things when she does decide to speak out.

  • Oh whatever, it’s been so long already. If she wanted to call Angie and/or Brad out, she should have done it right away, not waited for so many years and so many kids. It’s kind of useless at this point. I feel like it makes her look desperate. I look at her and see that all she has going for her is a show in syndication and a rocker boyfriend who really seems to not give a shit about her other than banging her. Don’t get me wrong, I’m curious to hear what she has to say as far as how in depth she gets but really, what’s the point?

  • Ha-ha.

    Jen needs to MOVE ON!

    People lie, cheat and fall in and out of love all the time. It’s called life. Jen needs to focus on her horrible acting skills and her retarded love life before she mentions the word “uncool” to any reporter.

  • I totally agree,huh ? She has such a pitiful career that she has to continue with this old news. She can’t act, is whiny, is a joke in the boyfriend desperation. She should have had her say years ago and just moved on. I love the way Angie gets all the “stole my husband” flack ! GET OVER IT!! You cannot STEAL someone who does not want to be “stolen”! Their marriage was already over long before Angie arrived. Maybe Jennifer should take some the time on her hands and do something worthwhile and just STFU from now on.

  • Hugely significant? To whom? What a load of shit. They’ve been split for four years, obviously it wasn’t working out. While she’s been flitting round making crappy movies her ex moved on and has been flitting round making reasonable films but also leaving a lot time to go to areas where human rights are being totally violated and using his celebrity to raise the profile on less than attractive issues. Who wants to see starving skinny people when we can see starving skinny actresses with abandonment issues….? Blech. Hugely significant my arse.

  • It’s not Jolie’s fault that Aniston is mediocre at best… yeah I said it and mean it… TEAM ANGIE YO.

    You know I think their marriage was in trouble long before Jolie was in the picture… but like in so many failing marriages people don’t let go until there is someone else to clutch on to…

    I remember watching Pitt on Letterman once where he just started saying all this stuff about Aniston… how she didn’t like to eat any food not American… how she sleep walks and once when on vacation went out the front door… really emphasizing negatives … he had never done that before… had always been private, carefully about what he revealed… and I thought uh oh….. somethings wrong…

    @Just Me EXACTLY! No one can be stolen who doesn’t want to be… their marriage was already done …maybe Aniston was just not willing to accept it or grow with her partner… she seems kinda controlling… and Pitt seems to have wanted something else in life which he obviously found in Jolie..

    Did I mention… Team Jolie… yeah.

  • Three snaps and a circle to Jen! Haven’t we all just been waiting for this!? Kudos, Jen, for being so brave and finally getting it out, girl! Now you’re life can REALLY move on!

    So take that all you “Angelina is so great/Angelina is such a humanitarian/Angelina is so beautiful” Angelina lovers! She’s a black widow and she would take your man in a heartbeat if you looked the other direction. She got exactly what she wanted. I have zero respect for the woman.

  • Angelina is not a perfect person but she does her best, which is more than most people can say, so f*ck off.

    Besides, it’s never been proven that there was an affair, so let’s not be unreasonable about this. Jen needs to move on, as sad as it was for the marriage to end.

  • whatever Beet, just make she you publish the cliff notes, i ain’t got Vogue scratch right now…times are L-E-A-N!

  • I love reading down to see how personal the two teams have become.

    I remember reading about Brad Pitt’S aspirations while he was still with Anniston, and he seemed to reveal an awakened interest in world politics in that early time… which leads me to think that he met Angelina at a time when he started to look to redefining his life on the political and humanitarian forefront. So of course if you have are talking about your dreams and aspirations daily with a beautiful woman who shares those same aspirations…it just seems…I don’t know…. undeniable to ignore impending feelings for another woman and unnatural to stay in the marriage which you thought was so good before… That’s my humble opinion…

  • Pitt and Jolie deserve each other – they try to do good to compensate for their wrongdoings! Jennifer Aniston deserves better that Pitt.

  • “It’s simple, Brad cheated on his wife and he left her. It’s sad that a guy would do that to his wife but who can respect that”

    actually, no, no one has ever said this. Not even Jen. Jen and Brad were still married when they started doing the movie, and later split up.

    I think Jen was more bitching that Jolie has stated that during the movie is when they fell in love– and she’s all “well he should have still loooooooveeeed meeeee!!”

    anyway, Jen, move on. this shit was years ago. don’t call out Jolie. If anyone did anything wrong, it was the dude that YOU married. Be responsible for your own decisions.

    TEAM ANGIE FO’ LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh, and I agree with some of the other commentors — at least Angie is doing a lot of GOOD with her fame. what the shit does Aniston do, besides go on vacations?

  • Silence is golden, but that bitch Jolie drives me nuts. She justs thinks she can move in and take any man she wants. So what if she traipses all over the globe, going “Look at me, I’m helping people”. On an individual level, she can’t behave in a moral manner. Plenty of celebrities help global issues without acting like a Madonna. Angie Jolie is anything but!!!!!

  • For anyone who missed it, the reason she is saying something now is because Angelina recently admitted what everyone knew anyway…that she and Brad did the doggy deed before Aniston knew what was going on.

    Jen deserves her say no matter how bad her movies are…if someone confessed to the FREAKIN WORLD that they got your hubby in the sack before you knew he was going to divorce you, I bet you’d have a lot more to say than “it was uncool” even if it WAS four years ago.

    She might be a mediocre actress but she is a person with hurt feelings and her cheatin’ husband and his whack job uterus-with-a-head-attached mistress just blabbed about his infidelity to all and sundry, so the wronged party ought to get a chance to say something back dontcha think?

    And hey if humanitarianism excuses adultery I’d bet there’d be a lot more humanitarians in the world.

  • Lee, as much as I think that Angelina is a better match for Pitt, I completely agree with you. Is that weird?

  • Jennifer should be congratulated for she is one very decent human being. How can one move one when Ange doesn’t stop parading her love affair. Isn’t she human? She doesn’t care of other people’s feeling. She know pretty well that Jen will get hurt, that is why she likes going to TV to hurt her feelings. All her humanitarian efforts, it is just to get people to be on her side. Can people forget the times, when she likes playing with knives, kissing her brother on TV, and so on. How can people forget that. I think people have been so mean on Jen.

  • She is proud of Brad, but Angie is uncool. John dismisses her in the press, and he is a wonderful person that she loves. Angie talks about enjoying working with Brad… NOT Sleeping with but working with him over 4 years ago. She is uncool.
    Maybe I’m reading this wrong. Brad not a cheater, great, amazing man. John disses her, in love… Angie a statement 2 years ago.. Uncool. OK I understand now.

  • Lee a correction..

    She divorced him. And he told her he was attracted to Angie.. She did not leave then. So what is up with that. Falling in love does not mean you had sex. One is emotional and the other physical. And How is she proud of and has admiration for a man you say cheated? Something is wrong

  • It’s very clear that anyone who has ever been cheated on is siding with Jen on this site.
    That being said, Brad did mention before even meeting Jolie that Jen had changed. She seemed like the girl next door, blah, blah, blah, but now Jen is way too in to herself and her image.
    I think Brad just found in Jolie a girl who is naturally beautiful, both inside and out. She is like a goddess on earth, but of course there are always going to be those people who are envious of the goodness/beauty combination. These are the people who are siding with “poor Jen”.
    Jen needs to let go. The only person she’s hurting at this point is herself. Jolie didn’t mean to hurt Jen. Brad made a mistake marrying Jen in the first place, as Jolie is obviously his true love.
    Jen’s made a mistake marrying Brad as well.
    Now she needs to learn how to let go.

  • @ Lee– I think Angie said something about how the movie was where they started to fall in love? She was never like, OMG we totally effed when we filmed that!!!!! different

    And isn’t it funny to accuse Angie of things like parading her love affair, or even her children? People are following her around EVERY DAY taking pictures of her, no matter what country she is in. They have done an amazing job at TRYING to stay away from cameras. And everyone wants to read interviews about them… what are they supposed to say? NO! no more interviews EVER!!! then everyone would just attack them for being stuck-up and not doing interviews.

    get over it Jen. This just makes you look more sad than ever.

    I just thought— wouldn’t it be funny if this story was 100% false? and we are all arguing over nothing?? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see when it actually comes out.

  • Angelina Jolie is a very disturbed person. having all these children is not about “them” but rather about “her”. I pity those children. She is one nut job. I never cared much for her and don’t think any better of her now. Do
    you know how many people do charity work? The only difference is that they
    do not have a need to tell the world of their every move. She needs a lot of
    attention and needs the public approval of her. I personally like Jennifer Aniston better. The stupid media are the ones who make up 90% of what we
    read. They make up stories and we soak it up. As far as AJ being the most beautiful woman in the world……you have to be kidding. Take a good look


    I hated Jolie long before the Brad debacle, but that just added fuel to the fire. Ugh, she makes me so angry!

  • The press has dogged Jennifer Aniston about details of the break-up ever since it happened. I admire her for keeping her mouth shut this long. There comes a point though, when you get tired of hearing everyone else’s interpretations of what has happened in your personal life. It’s clearly time for her to open up, let it out, and hope that the world will let it go so she can truly get on with her life.

  • Is anyone else annoyed at the fact that Vogue US, a fashion magazine, has turned into US WEEKLY?!!?!??!?!! Ugh. I don’t give a shit about Jenifer Aniston.

    ALSO.. the cover of the mag quotes her as saying “what Angelina did was very uncool” but here is what she actually said…

  • Look……I wouldn’t have half the problem with any of this if Angelina had stepped back and waited until Brad was divorced. Like I said…do the math…….the divorce wasn’t final until October, full-term baby Shiloh was born in March. Full term babies aren’t full term in 5 months, which means that Brad & Angie were sleeping together while he was still married. The last time that I looked, that was called adultry.

    People will try and justify it (the marriage was already over, she didn’t “steal” him..etc…), but it is what it is….wrong. Which tells me that neither Brad nor Angelina have good morals, or they wouldn’t have had an affair and they would be married, setting an example for their wedlock babies.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and this will always be mine regarding the two.

  • Dude, Elly, that is just unfair. They are not “telling the world of their every move.” People are f*cking obsessed with them. They are followed everywhere. Paparazzi like LIVE outside their houses, and follow them to whatever country they are living in. It’s not like they are doing press releases to be like, “OH FYI we just donated some money”

    I mean, that’s insane. People should respect them more for doing GOOD with their celebrity. And god forbid celebrities help show us what is really happening around the word. She is a UN goodwill ambassador, for f*ck’s sake. She has a billion dollars and could just sit around all day, playing with her babies if she wanted. But NO, she is doing something good.

    you don’t have to love Jolie, but I think she deserves respect for all the charity work she has done, and the millions and millions of dollars she has donated?

    What has Anniston done? Adopted a dog. way to go, dude, I can do that too.

  • aw, shucks, joan. thanks.

    It just makes me mad. You don’t have to love Jolie as a person, or an actress. But I just think it’s silly to throw away all the good that she has done just because people publicize her every step. Don’t people see that this is also good? Anything that draws peoples’ attention to such serious issues is GOOD.

    And she didn’t even steal her husband. Godddd. Maybe Brad was just more drawn to Jolie because she shared his humanitarian efforts. Is that so unbelievable? To fall in love with someone who shares your ideals and your passions?

    Jolie has done a lot of odd things in her life, but right now she is a wonderful, caring mother, and does oodles more charity work than most of us will ever do combined. How on earth do you hate on her for that?

  • I haven’t been cheated on and I still don’t like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I just don’t feel like adultery in any manner can be overlooked.

    Angelina had an affair with Billy Bob when he was still married, he got divorced from his wife.

    Angelina had an affair with Brad Pitt and then his marriage ended.

    Sure, they are happy-go-lucky now: “Our kids are so amazing. They each have just marvelous personalities..” blah-blah-blah.

    But for people to say “Jen, just get over it! Brad and Angelina have!”—-of course they have gotten it!! They got everything they wanted without regard to anyone else and they weren’t hurt! No one left them!

    Jen was hurt, publicly and privately and I’m sorry but maybe it was harder for her because she was the one that was hurt.

  • I haven’t been cheated on and I still don’t like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I just don’t feel like adultery in any manner can be overlooked.

    Angelina had an affair with Billy Bob when he was still married, he got divorced from his wife. Angelina had an affair with Brad Pitt and then his marriage ended.

    Sure, they are happy-go-lucky now: “Our kids are so amazing. They each have just marvelous personalities..” blah-blah-blah.

    But for people to say “Jen, just get over it! Brad and Angelina have!”—-of course they have gotten it!! They got everything they wanted without regard to anyone else and they weren’t hurt! No one left them!

    Jen was hurt, publicly and privately and I’m sorry but maybe it was harder for her because she was the one that was hurt.

  • From any report I heard, Laura Dern and Billy Bob had been broken up for months before him and Angelina got together. Have no idea where you are getting that. And, in the past, all three Brad, Angie, and Jen have all said that there was no cheating in the relationship.

    Jen is just pissed that now Angie is admitting that she developed feelings for Brad when they met on the movie. She didn’t say “OHMYGOD he soo fell in love with me and he cheated on her and blah blah.” Jen is just mad that Angie is talking about liking Brad during a time where he was still “hers.” No one is saying cheating STILL.

    Maybe Jen should be more worried about why she can’t keep a man and stop being pissy because apparently Angie can. Yeah, I just went there.

  • Well, I’m on “team ThatLisa,” too! Thanks for taking the time to write out those awesome comments, bella. I myself am not in the mood or have the energy tonight to write good comments, but I definitely had to at least pipe up in this particular thread to say Team Jolie-Pitts. I’ve loved Angelina Jolie for her whole career, and I love the couple Brad & Angelina. I’ve got so much to say about why, and about why I cannot stand J Anniston, but maybe later, I’m too sleepy tonight…

    Team Angelina!!

  • man, I have ALWAYS wanted a team without having to become a celebrity and to feud with other celebrities. Thank you Evil Beet. Now I can sleep better tonight.

    You guys make me smile. And a love a good argument. Good night!! :)

  • a little too late for this, don’t you think??

    i’m guessing she’s feeling a little dose of insecurity. having to see your ex-husband on TV being so happy with his new life must be really getting to her. this maybe her reason for speaking up..a defense mechanism.

  • Why can’t Jennifer move on
    i mean why talk about this now?????

    So what if Angelina slept with Brad before their divorce was final?
    They were separated!!

    What was Brad supposed to do, hang around Angelina and not tap that a**s
    I mean, guys, look at her!!
    Brad Pitt is a man afterall

  • Team Aniston here too!

    Though i don’t blame it on Angelina, but on Brad..

    I disagree with Move on Jennifer’s comment. Men will be men and we all understand that, but when you get married it’s suposed to be for life, and i hate the fact that people nowadays do it just because, with no intentions of being faithful to their partners at all.. That is very sad, and it’s easy to say Brad is just a man, but if it was a girl, everybody would be calling her a slut.. So no, it’s not that easy, and it’s not fair, and it is wrong is so many levels to treat your partner like that..

  • again, there are still no actually reports coming from anywhere that Brad did, in fact, cheat on Jen.

    and whatever. I think I am just overly into Jolie. I can’t help my adoration. I would leave my boyfriend for her in a second, and I don’t even swing both ways… nor do I want kids…. but I would….. for lovely Angie.

  • and the fact that she used the word “uncool” just makes me thinking of high school…. like she said that while snapping her gum, texting her friend, and twirling her hair.

    It’s not Brad or Angie’s fault that all of Jen’s subsequent relationships have failed.

    Oh there was also a good quote about John Mayer… something like “oh that man will never do something like that again!” Jen, you obviously are not good at “owning” your men. Maybe that’s why they broke up. Maybe she treated Brad like a piece of property.

    Whatever, I like Jen hating. and some of you guys like Angie hating. I totally get it! :)

  • Again… Vogue shouldn’t be an US weekly. Our obession with celebrities is insane!!! INSANEEEEE. I admit to the insanity, but I read this blog because it highlights the hypocrisy and irony of it all. Angelina rubs me wrong, and I don’t know why. I want to like her. Jennifer needs to adopt a few children from other countries before people will respect her.

  • we saw a russian lady give hug & kiss to her brother which i never done. we saw that very lovely instead of fighting. Their level in love and understing is higher than us. it’s very expressive in caring and giving love and warmth with unlimited love toward humanly love. Angie has higher level of love toward any human being the majority of people can’t practice in reality because of blocked heart. Angie has mercy upon to us & brother the flow of love same she gives to zahara/daughter. angie jolie has different level of love which the most people can’t reach that point to kiss brother. shell not have any regret in the end of our life, but who didn’t practice like angie will have regret. it’s like giving flowers of love while we live on earth. after we die we can’t give flower of love we wished while we alive. you all give kiss of love to your brothers and sisters like angie & practice to give love/one life to live!