Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Some Hopeful News on the Ballot Measures

South Dakota voters SAID NO to a measure that would have prohibited abortion except in cases of rape or incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger.

Colorado voters rejected Amendment 48, which would have defined the term “person” to include any human being from the moment of fertilization, again, essentially making abortion illegal.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • omeingott, if i happen to get swollen with child i’ll be sure to think of you when their cutting the fetus out of my body. After all its news like this that makes my willful uterus thrive

  • I’m so happy about this and I don’t even live in America…
    So many people need to realize that if they make it illegal to get abortions it will go back to the days when women/girls were sticking coat-hangers up there and finding back ally doctors to do it which is so much worse

  • here is an idea, why don’t we focus on effing birth control! then we wouldn’t need to kill helpless babies! I guess it is ok to kill someone who can’t defend themselves… aborortion is disgusting, but we do live in an “anything goes” society. yay, America?

  • “here is an idea, why don’t we focus on effing birth control!”

    That is a valid point but do you know what it is that stops most people from educating themselves and their children about it?
    Mmmhmmm that’s right, religion.
    Another reason why all religions should just be void.
    have faith sure, have a spiritual side, but once you start making an organized religion with rules out of it it all goes down hill

  • They’re not helpless babies, they are.. nothing.
    Yay to this! Abortion should be legalised and de-sensitised!

  • hahha. these comments are fun.

    and miss malice is sooo right. hello? the same people who are usually against abortion are the same people thinking that we should teach abstinence-only education. hahah. totally worked for your daughter, huh Palin? idiots.

    I agree that we need to teach more about birth control..

    and copa, I think I love you a bit…… :)

    PRO-CHOICE BITCHES. I don’t care if I “rot in hell”

  • most rape cases aren’t reported, I’m a little skewered here, had an aunt raped at 13, abortion was illegal, chop shop doctor sterilized her and almost killed her. I wouldn’t have one, but because of her I think it should stay legal

  • In CO it wasn’t just about abortion…the amendment was to also ban certain types of BIRTH CONTROL, for crying out loud. Thank DOG people researched this issue and voted it down, and in a WIDE margin.

  • In CO they would have effectively banned most birth control. PRO CHOICE isn’t about getting abortions people- it is about my ability to chose what to do, not your ability to choose for me. I am 5 months pregnant, would never get an abortion, but I want to be able to choose and I don’t think I should be able to tell you what your “choice” is.

  • Why are rape babies allowed to get aborted but other babies aren’t? Aren’t they all ~living beings~? I hate the logic of some people.

    Either abort them all, or don’t abort any of them.

    I’m not pro-choice I’m pro-abortion.

  • i agree with ms and thatlisa. if women are sexually active they should use birth control, how much simpilier can that get? and its fucking ironic how some of those who are pro life are for abstinance only sex ed. I’m pro life, but i’m against abstinance only sex ed, you teach people how to do it right while they’re young, safer sex will be practiced and HOORAY fewer abortions will take place, and pretty much everyone wins. And should I add Sarah Palin is a hypocritical bee-yotch? and im glad she’ll never get to set foot near the white house. Go Obama!