Today's Evil Beet Gossip

President-elect Barack Obama’s Victory Speech

From Grant Park in Chicago.

Tonight, we saw two exceptional and patriotic speeches from two exceptional and patriotic men.

And, while I’m proud of the progress our country has made and I’m proud that we elected a Black President, I think that the results of some of the ballot measures across the nations — particularly those dealing with gay rights — make it painfully clear that we have not reached the dream of equal rights on which this country was founded. We still have pockets of senseless hate oozing their way into legislation. I’m hopeful in the sense that the votes in favor of Prop 8 are coming more from old people than from young people. Hurry up and die, you hateful old buffoons, so that my children can be raised in a country free of legislated hate and senseless discrimination.

54 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It is the old vote but it is also the Female African American vote. It just surprises me that the minorities dont look out for each other more :/

  • I totally agree Beet……. I am so happy about Obama… but very upset with my state of California… still hoping things change….. I really expected more from my state.

    Nicole– that has always confused me too. I always thought that minorities would care more about minority rights. I guess that is just wishful thinking on our parts, unfortunately :(

    I don’t want my (future possible) children to be raised in a place that still discriminates against different groups of people. We all need to understand that we are all people, and all deserve the same freedoms. We need to get past the hatred, so we can move on to other ways of improving all of our lives.

    no on prop 8 :(:(:(:(

  • oh and I was thinking… you know how people bitch a lot when you put political stuff on this blog? you should ONLY cover politics for like a week. Just to piss everyone off.

  • im really happy for you guys!! that obama is your president now… congrats!! hope more good things happen to you!

  • i believe in prop 8, but you shouldn’t impose your beliefs on others. they may not be hateful, its just the way that they are brought up, which may be in a different way that you.

    just like you wouldn’t like it if they imposed their beliefs on you, you shouldn’t on theirs too.

  • Like it or not, marriage is a traditional, religious institution. The Bible denouces homosexuality. Most Americans identify themselves as Christian. I am surprised that you are surprised.

  • You know…you keep going on and on about how those that don’t agree with you on these hot button props are hateful and should die….really? Do I detect hate in your voice. Hey pot…I’m kettle….nice meeting you…

    Stick to gossip….you don’t do politics well…and you arguments and rebutal are lame at best.

  • “The Bible denouces homosexuality.”

    Question on this: Is this really true? So many people claim it is, so many people claim it isn’t.

    Jayne, can Muslims and non-religious people marry?
    Erik- the bible says whatever you want it to say, as long as you cut out individual phrases and parts of sentences and then string them together.

  • For you Erik –

    Leviticus 18:22

    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    Of course, there are more examples, but one is enough.

  • CatCatAttack – Not if he wants to remain a Muslim. I am not trying to convert anyone. It’s all about your personal faith. We have a democracy. We vote and then live with the outcome until we have an opportunity to try for change. Clearly, I am not alone in this. Maybe it’s all a matter of practicality. Big bang or God, it takes a male and a female to procreate.

  • @ Erik

    YES the Bible does DOES denounce homosexuality…….BUT, the words of the bible are not meant to be taken literally, so much so as they are an interpretation of how a good Christian should live.

    The bible also says that you should have sex with only your spouse, you should NOT divorce nor steal.

    So if you take that literally, anyone who has premarital sex, has gotten a divorce or downloaded a song on the internet is going STRAIGHT TO HELL !!!!!!!

  • sad about prop h8te.

    to angela – this does not make any sense:

    “i believe in prop 8, but you shouldn’t impose your beliefs on others. they may not be hateful, its just the way that they are brought up, which may be in a different way that you.”

    … because your belief has just imposed itself upon the rights of many whom i love. in fact, it has deprived them of those rights. well done.

    for that, i resent people like you.

  • Beet is PASSIONATE… and that’s what I love about this blog.

    She would make a great friend…….SHITTY GIRLFRIEND…..but great friend!

  • TSS….premarital sex, stealing are SINS not one-way tickets to hell. You do not know Christianity. All people sin!! Iit’s what you do about it and do in the future as well as your relationship with Christ. Would you like to come to church with me this Sunday? I’ll save ya a seat and say a prayer for you in the meantime.

    Homosexuality is a huge offense to God and any type of “gay marriage”, whatever that is, is a longgggggggg way off. Thank goodness. I have a big butt, however I don’t expect gov’t to mandate laws to keep people from calling me fat ass or giving me looks! Please, for the love of whatever you love, shut up about gay rights.

  • @ Lynn

    Shit… you caught me girl…

    I forgot about that 11th commandment: Thou shalt not have sexy times with thine fellow peen.

    Sure I’ll come to church with you. If you have a big butt is it BYOP (Bring Your Own Pew)?

  • Yay Barack! Boo hateful people. But I’d like to bring up a different topic. What was up with the exploding-womb look of Michelle Obama’s dress? I really hate to be the first to go shallow and over analyze a brilliant and capable first lady, but yikes, the red was popping off the screen in a really unflattering way.

  • Wow im so happy for america right now.
    It shows that the country has grown in a positive way, it the first step to major change!!!!!

    too bad in Canada people just don’t care cause with our candidates they all pretty much say the same crap but in different ways

  • What’s with you people personifying God? You think he’s actually sitting up there looking down and is upset about a little man on man action? Give me a fucking break. If he really is watching he’s probably broken hearted that his greatest creations are using his name to justify their hateful actions. And that IS what they are. The Bible was written long ago in a different context. Taking it word for word is denying the use of the brain God gave you. Use logic and learn compassion. Don’t you realize that by denying gay couples the right to marry you are denying them all the benefits that married couples get? Getting married is hardly just about procreation. I’m so frustrated by this and I don’t even live in the US, nor am I gay. I guess I just care.

  • Now that President-Elect Obama has won. I reeeeallllllllly believe that this is the beginning of the end of discrimination in this country ON ALL FRONTS.

    Lynn says “that “gay marriage”, whatever that is, is a longgggggggg way off.”

    I think that the previous idea of a Black President was equivalent with a snowball’s chance in hell.

    Well there must be a monster snowball fight in hell right now, because we the people have spoken.

    Old fart politics is out the window and in the coming years we WILL see positive CHANGE for ALL! Get used to it.

    I don’t think equality is a “longgggggggg way off”.

    I believe our country will have a Female President & a Gay President in the future. In my lifetime. ALL discriminating barriers will be knocked the fuck down. Not just racial.

    Jesus’ was best friends with a whore, & I’m sure he had a gay bff too. EVERYBODY has a gay friend, or family member. Everybody. He treated them…well, he was Jesus to ’em, ya know. Compassionate, kind, UNJUDGEMENTAL, forgiving, FAIR.

    Americans will ALL HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS.

    We are gonna show this world how it’s done!

    & P.S. – All the haters can book their flight on Virgin Galactic now. Start saving.


  • I think Obama is the not best person to rule such a powerfull nation, it does not matter what ever his views are about worldly things but what God would want him to do, for instance his views about gay’s.

    Before we look at gay marriage / same sex marriage, first we have to remember what the Bible says about homosexuality. While the Bible doesn’t address the concept of gay or same sex marriage, the Bible does clearly and consistently tell us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). God does not create a person with homosexual desires. A person becomes a homosexual because of sin (Romans 1:24-27), and ultimately because of his or her own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person choosing to sin by giving in to their sinful desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger / rage, does that make it right for them to give into those desires? Of course not. The same is true for homosexuality.

    We also have to remember that homosexuality is just as forgivable a sin as all other sins. God’s forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, liar, proud man, etc. God’s love and desire to save extends to homosexuals (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

    To give sanction to homosexual marriage would be to give approval to that lifestyle, which the Bible clearly and consistently condemns as sinful. I believe that Christians should stand firmly against the idea of gay marriage / same sex marriage. Marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Homosexual marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage and an offense to the God who created marriage. God forbids and condemns homosexuality, so He clearly is opposed to homosexual marriage. As Christians, we are to seek to share the love of God and salvation through Christ with homosexuals. We are to be loving and kind to homosexuals, while at the same time not condoning their sinful lifestyle.

    Other problems are that we accept abortions and call it free will; we don’t discipline our children and say in increases their self esteem; we abuse power and call it politics; we abuse the world with prostitution and gay marriages and swearing and call it human rights; we give excuses for our preverse actions and call it a different lifestyle and I say lets say no to all of this, REMEMBER don’t exchange your eternal life with GOD for your worldly one.

    This is just a start, a nation must not be ruled by a person but by God. We dont know what we want but only our Creator knows.

    Beware of the wolf in sheaps clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Talk about hate………you are a major hater.
    If McCain had won, it would have been all about the hate on here too. Hypocrites like crazy.

    And yes Michelle Obama’s dress was dreadful. Same with the hair. But yes we all know, she will have the major makeover before or shortly after her husband takes office. Please do the hair, please do the hair.

  • It’s not the old people. It is the “Christians” who campaigned against Prop 8 passing and evidently got their way. Oh well, the gays can still “live in sin” like the rest of us.

  • Oh I dont hate and I dont support McCain but I do pray for the american president because he influences the rest of the world.

  • For all of the judgemental Christians….. I could have sworn there was something about “thou shalt not judge” in the comandments. weird how u can dig deep into the Bible to and draw your own conclusion about whatever is convenient for you (no mater how hateful) but you bipass one of the most fundamental aspects. QUIT FUCKING JUDGING ASSHOLES! ITS NOT FOR U OR ANYBODY ELSE TO DECIDE HOW SOMEBODY SHOULD LIVE THEIR LIFE!

  • Wow Allan – that was so well put. You did not get emotional and nasty like others on here, you stated it as Christians believe it – everyone else, of course, is free to believe whatever b/s they wish.


  • Seems to me the liberal’s in california are hypocrites. They are the vast majority, and yes believe it or not Democrats go to church too.
    If the votes count for president, then they could for everything else too. You can’t pick and choose. If every Democrat that voted for Obama, would have voted no on 8….it wouldn’t have passed. Plain and simple.

  • I am an American Christian. I follow the rules to the best of my ability laid before me by the bible and God’s commandments. I go to church to fellowship with other believers and learn more about God’s word.

    That has NOTHING to do with how other Americans live. I should not have the ability to force my beliefs on non-believers. I can pray for their salvation, I can invite them to church, but I should NOT be able to cast a vote to take away their rights as American citizens. I firmly believe in the separation of church and state and the fact that, regardless of what religion our nation was founded on, it was founded so that we could practice the freedom of religion.

    I feel like too many Christians take judgment upon themselves and feel that by creating guidelines and laws they can FORCE others to live by God’s law. But the bible also says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. That no one can get to the Father except by Him. Just because you forced someone to follow your rules doesn’t mean that you saved their soul from the abomination of sin. THAT is up to Jesus.

  • Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. (NASB) Matthew 7:1-2

  • last i checked, god is love. and if we all took what the bible said verbatim i’d be one of five wives poppin out babies, and allowed to kill my neighbor because they decided to get some work done on a sunday.

  • I’m laughing at Alan because of the way he spelled “sheaps”. Hard to take anyone’s preaching seriously when they can’t even spell. DISSS-MISSED.

  • Christians really should respect the separation of church and state. They should stop imposing their beliefs on others and let all Americans have the same freedoms they enjoy.
    I also care deeply about Michelle’s dress. It was a poor choice for such a beautiful woman on such an incredible night. The exploding womb look is not such a good look.

  • Sorry catlass for the word misspelled I was a bit tired.
    Everyone here throws the word hate around so easy; do you know what it means?
    I don’t hate anyone but love all (gay’s to) and yes I do have my own sins and I will pay for them one day. God is a loving God but remember what you forget he is also JUST!!!!
    I know I can not make anyone believe in Jesus or in His ways but I just give my opinion and hope someone realizes the truth.

  • i’m sooo glad that Barack Obama is our new President!!!

    and i agree that both McCain and Obama gave great speeches, and i respect McCain for putting aside his differences and showing that he cares about our country and isn’t bitter that he wasn’t chosen, which he might be, but he still showed respect to Obama, and that was really important.

  • I believe that The WORD of GOD as written in the Holy Scripture that id found in the Holy Bible, is the divinely in-breathed, infallible, inherent and authoritative WORD OF GOD.

    When God says: ” You shall not steal.” He means exactly what He has said, and if you “STEAL’, YOU HAVE COMMITED A SIN.
    People you are Free to choose between two masters, but you are not free to manipulate the consequences of your choice. This applies to all sin.

    God is Love…God is Mercy…God is Compassion…God is Forgiveness…
    God is Cleansing from all unrighteousness.

    God’s perfect will is…” That all mankind repent and be saved.

    God is Joy…God is Peace,


    God gave us a way out from SIN. He gave us Jesus Christ, who shed his blood on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sin.
    When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts and lives, He becomes our personal Savior, Lord over our spirit,soul and body. and our Great High Priest.

  • Allan is south Africa

    having visited south Africa two years ago, It seems that so many whites are bitter, Why can’t we just accept that one race of people can not rule the world. You thought Mccain was safe! didn’t you see his running mate palin! she thought Africa was a country! lol! she probably thought South Africa was a island off of Africa, how sad!

  • Lynn– how is homosexuality a “huge offense to God”?

    I mean… he made them. In his image, even. Why would he be mad at someone he made gay… for being gay?

    I don’t think gay marriage for our whole country will happen soon, but gay marriage is not a ” longgggggggg way off,” as you put it. THEY WERE JUST ABLE TO MARRY HERE IN CALIFORNIA. that’s what the prop was. taking AWAY that right. And what about MASS and CONNECT– gay people are allowed to marry in some states RIGHT NOW.

    And with Allan… and others…. I just cannot get behind people using the Bible as an excuse. Going to Catholic school for 12 years, I was talk that the Bible was to be of reference– like it was a book of stories, showing us morals… like it wasn’t all supposed to be 100% fact. I mean.. it talks about the creation of time… but not dinosaurs… there’s a lot of stuff. And the Bible talks about A LOT OF THINGS no one is encouraging. Like owning wives. I just feel that it’s wrong to use the Bible, but only cut out little itty bitty parts that you can twist any way you would like.

    I could bring up hundreds of times in the Bible that have to do with LOVING one another…. and not judging…. those without sin casting the first stone… Jesus being drawn to the most destitute and discriminated against people… But I just feel like people never listen. They get their one little bible quote that says one thing… and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

    How dare anyone claim that they know how God FEELS. You should not be playing God. I believe, personally, that we ned to be the best person we can, we means accepting others for their differences. You do not need to agree with other people’s views, but it is not your right to judge them. God is supposed to be the only judge. Would he want people passing laws against the civil rights of some of his children? Do you really think so? You do not need to fight in God’s name. He does not want us to fight.

    That’s at least what I took away from my religious upbringing.

    sigh…… prop 8

  • Just because something feels good does not mean it is right. If god intended for gay marriage why is it that only a woman can give birth? A man should be able to give birth too right? The bible is true how else would you explain, me before I accepted JESUS I was having an affair and did not care much about who I hurt in the process. After I let him in my heart and became a christian at 27 years old I stopped cheating and turn my life around. Everybody is not going to believe in God but who created this universe, definitely not evolution!!! God loves gays like he loves everybodyelse but he hates their lifestyle, because he is holy and he says in his word that lifestyle is an abomination to him.

  • In romans:3 verse 23: says For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god. Bottom line if you don’t accept JESUS as your personal saviour WHETHER GAY OR STRAIGHT YOU ARE LOST! GOD made everyone that they should know right from wrong! When you are gay you no deep inside it is wrong. Just like when you are a prostitute u no the difference. God loves you . Do you want to test and see if he is real. Just call out the name jesus and pray and let him reveal himself to you. Are watch CBN on channel 49

  • I think people need light and truth to guide them.You know the world of today is facing a great problem; What people, great nations, big organization call “human right”. I think there is something behing this with devil’s purpose wich has never changed: destoying and kill the people of God. John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

    This is last days it is the end when people confuse what is true and what what is wrong according to what God has said