Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Look Who’s Helping!

Michael Phelps helps promote swimming at a YMCA in New York City.

It’s cool to think about how many young people Michael Phelps will inspire to start swimming. Shit, after watching him in the Olympics, even I briefly considered going to the local Y and swimming some laps. But then, ya know, there’s parking to deal with, and I’d have to get a membership, and what if it’s cold, and would I be allowed to wear a bikini or would I have to buy a one-piece, and probably I’ll push myself too hard trying to impress some hot guy three lanes down and the end result of all of this can only be that I will drown in six feet of water at the YMCA wearing an outfit that makes my tummy look especially pudgy. Not good at all. But children don’t think things through that clearly, so hopefully their inspiration will actually result in them swimming.

Did I mention I think Michael Phelps is hot?

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Agh, enough of Phelpsy already.

    Hes friggin everywhere, Im so tired of seeing him everywhere I turn. Internet, papers, tv.. Geez

  • I only see him here
    so I want to keep seeing him
    he’s sweet
    and hot
    in a very earthly way
    I have no interest in stardom hotness
    especially when it’s made of plastic,drugs and booze
    this guy is different from that

  • Oh and what id Michael Phelps wearing to the Y to play in the pool with little kids? A speedo. Yeah, cause that’s not at all weird.

    Where’s that high tech set of swim pants when it’s actually appropriate?

  • me thinks he’s already bred all the other swim chicks from the olymics and is just moving on to other spawning grounds.

  • I’d say what a great job he did in the Olympics but I’ve heard if you say that and you’re a woman, it means you automatically want to have sex with him. It’s gotta be cool to be a male celebrity. You get a DUI and you don’t get treated like the worst monster alive. You have a homely face and people don’t rip it. Best of all you can say another guy is amazing at the Olympics without it becoming considered a flirtation.

    He did do a nice job….in swimming…otherwise known as the US-Australia swim meet (when two nations are responsible for over half of the medals won in it’s history you know it is not that big an international sport). 3 out of 8 Gold medals are for relays and he skips the only glamour race (the 100 M Freestyle) because he knows he can’t win.

  • I wonder how many bails of hay he eats each day and how much time after each feeding he has to wait before he can enter the pool.
    Awww.. look at that giant horse head. I just want to brush him and feed him an apple.

  • excuse, he does get ripped. How many times have you guys heard he;s hot from the neck down, he looks like an inbred, his mouth is a mess, his underbite is gross, he is retarder, he has speech impediment, his chin is awful, he has lazy eye??? Is there a feature that has not been ripped? But he has a great body.

  • And I find him incredibly sexy and cute in a unconventional way. Very cute in a boy next door way.

  • I wish I were…Phelps
    that’s exactly how I think of him
    he’s a young man
    cmon people
    why do you insist in putting this guy down?
    he’s a great sportsman
    he is a dedicated son
    why can’t you accept him as he is?
    and most of all
    praise him for his achievements?
    he’s your fellow american
    I am just an european and I can see that