Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven. To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for Day One of the Republican convention, up in the Twin Cities, at the top of the Mississippi River.”

Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore, to MSNBC, on news that Hurricane Gustav may result in next week’s Republican National Convention being postponed.

Families in New Orleans are currently being evacuated.

38 CommentsLeave a comment

  • To bad he stopped being relavent after “Bowling for Columbine”

    For the record I am not repub or dem. Every politician is full of shit and likes the sound of his/her own voice.

  • Wow. I mean, just wow.

    I guess Moore cares more about sticking it to the Republicans than the Americans who are likely to suffer a great deal should this hurricane hit land.

    Perhaps folks will stop and think about this the next time Moore insists that he is making a movie because he cares about regular people.

  • What an asshole.

    Families will lose their homes, people will most-likely be injured or die from this hurricane. Who does he think he is?

    Every political party needs to have a forum to speak their minds. The Republicans actually have a much better idea how to turn our economy around.

    Seriously, Barack Obama wants to promise you the moon, but you will have to fork over most of your paycheck for it.

    I wish this asshole was in NOLA so he could blow away.

  • Oh, he’s been a big fat dickhead for years. I could care less about the convention or politics, but there are a lot of people in New Orleans that have been suffering or years and things are about to get a whole lot more difficult for them. Maybe he should get off his fat ass, grab his camera, and go to New Orleans to document either (a) the horrific effects of natural disaster, or (b) the lengths people go through to insure their family’s safety in the face of the threat of a natural disaster – depending on what happens with Gustav.

    While once a talented filmmaker and documentarian, after the success of Roger & Me he got a big head and rather full of himself. He and his personal political agenda have become bigger than the films and issues he was looking to expose or document. The sad result of that is that his credibility has been grossly diluted. Although he may have valid points or issues in his later films, it’s too difficult to wade through the actual “facts” and the skewed facts he presents to determine what’s really going on. (There is a rather interesting debate between he and Dr. Gupta from CNN regarding his facts in Sicko on YouTube.) It really is a disservice to the issues he presents (i.e. American healthcare, George Bush, etc.) to play fast and loose with the facts.

    Personally, I much rather watch a Morgan Spurlock film. He presents issues much better, is entertaining, and makes well-reasoned arguments that are much more persuasive.

  • I live in southwest Louisiana.
    They have just issued an evacuation order for the town that I live in.
    As I pack up my belongings, and wonder if my home will be here when I return, I see a comment like this.

    You want to show me that there’s proof in heaven. I want to see Michael Moore struck down by a bolt of lightning.

    What an asshole.

  • Also, Morgan Spurlock is not a fat fuck.

    He needs to learn to edit. Jeesus, learn some tact or don’t give live interviews.

    Actually, just never be on camera. Just…don’t.

  • Melissa, she said something about how a really devastating tsunami that killed a lot of people in Asia (China?) was “karma” and pretty much implied that they deserved it for being a government she didn’t agree with. The government obviously didn’t die, but the poor people did.

    Be fucking tactful, people.

    You could probably google it if you wanted a better explanation.

  • Asta, this is mambaX
    for some strange reason I keep watching other people’s post
    while they await for approval,
    as their nick appears spontaneously and randomly in my name box, which is fun and explains why some get so upset
    when they read things they didn’t write
    MM is not M&M
    he is a cold business man
    and he’s showing it
    they can pretend for a while
    but they cannot hide forever

  • @ Melissa: Sharon Stone didn’t comment on the tsunami, it was the recent earthquake in China that killed tens of thousands. She suggested that it may have been “karma.”

  • Yes… Mr. Moore certainly is treading on Sharon Stone’s turf. Hopefully he has been misquoted so people can get hysterical about what he says and unleash all their domestic hate and anger, which if you live in a society that was once an English colony, you are not supposed to have. With global warming out long long period of mild weather conditions is ending and that would be a global condition. I think we are about to find out why there were no houses on beaches up until the early part of the 1900’s. Sharon Stone’s karma may get us all in the end.

  • A message from the UK…..

    Please keep your idiots like Moore in your country…. and we will do the same.

    If not we will send you Prince Charles and Gordon Brown.

  • Wow…considering I live in lower Louisiana and will definitely be affected by this storm…don’t really appreciate that comment.

    I’ve never liked that asshole…but now even less. If that’s possible. People this hardcore about being a democrat or republican blow my mind. In the long run…we’re all people!

    He’ll get his karma…it’s a bitch baby. He’ll probably choke on a mcdonalds quarter pounder…

  • Thanks you ribbet, and good luck clickclack.

    (I’m currently trying to figure out the best way to transport my three cats, and where I would be able to take them.)

  • Michael Moore is a douchebag. He would laugh at the misfortune of thousands, just because it MIGHT disrupt the republican convention. Uggh!

  • yeah Melissa
    imagine if all the chinese in the world knew about La Stone Statement
    and it surprised me
    I always thought of her as a clever person

  • just watched the news
    seems Gustav could be less worrisome than predicted
    my<3 for you guys along its way

  • Good luck to you too, Mary E!

    Hunkering down at the moment…hopefully it won’t be too bad.

    Fingers crossed.

  • Thanks. We’ve had too hunker down too. The roads are clogged and my grandmother won’t leave.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the storm weakens or passes us by altogether.
    Good luck!

  • Good luck to you, Mary E and Clickclack. My prayers are with all of y’all on the coast right now.

  • Michael Moore is a huge waste of oxygen & space. He’s an ignorant douchebag who spews nothing but hatred and lies. While I won’t wish him harm, I will say that I’ll be laughing when his karma finally catches up with him! Mary E- good luck riding out that storm!

  • why do so many of you hate Michael Moore so much?

    Sometimes when people have the real balls to make a stand and expose lies and harsh realities—- the people who are too weak or lazy to take a stand get incredibly jealous that they are unable to. So they put these type of people down. It’s just human nature baby, now roll over and go to sleep and don’t think about such things…….

  • Really? You think that Michael Moore behaving like an insensitive ass and trying to turn an act of nature into a political statement requires balls and/or counts as him taking a stand? Um, ok…

  • Wow. After realizing that for the most part this site (and comments) tend to lean left, I find it amazing and refreshing to see how many of you libs (no disrespect intended) also can’t stand this blowhard. Good on you all for holding firm with your beliefs but at the same time being able to recognize true trash when you see/hear it.

  • Well Michael Moore, if there really was a God, He’d turn you around, bend you over and shove the funnel of Hurricane right into your fat, selfrightous asshole. Then I’d believe there was a God (that’s gives a fuck about about our day to day suffering)

  • The real proof that there is a God comes from the fact that my friends, family,, and home are safe after a week long mandatory evactuation from a deadly hurricane. Fuck Michael Moore.