Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton Has Alcoholism The Flu

Our favorite heiress was partying in Las Vegas recently, when she puked on stage. Josh Radin gives us the play-by-play on his MySpace page.“Paris Hilton …was sitting next to me the whole night. Seriously, next to me, like our legs were touching for a good 5 hours. Now don’t get the wrong idea. She never once said hello, nor even looked in my direction. Five hours. And it was unreal to watch. She must have pulled a compact out of her bag every 6 minutes to stare at herself and p...

Robert Altman Dies, World Continues Per Normal

It's been on a hundred sites already but I like the guy who runs the site linked to below so if you've got to read serious news about Robert Altman passing away do so here.Now we return to normal haterade speak, Robert Altman was never my guy, but if I had a dime for every time someone said some random movie was "Altman-Esque" I'd be living on Goddamn planet dime. Truly he hasn't had a worthy film in a long time, I mean you're looking at MASH (1970) or The Player (1992) if you wanted to be hurtful an...

The CBS Strikes Back

Remember the Janet Jackson nonsense? Well CBS does to and they are suing the FCC over the 550k they were fined. I think someone at CBS realized the only show they have left that people watch is C.S.I. so they decided they'd just start lashing out at monolithic organizations. Next up, the Boy Scouts! Actually, they kid of deserve it. Anyway. I will say in this point they've got the high ground, the FCC is a demon from hell sent to haunt our dreams. Here's a bit of the reasoning behind the dec...

Picking up the Pieces

For the record, Abbie Cornish claims she and Ryan Phillippe are "friends and that's it." [Just Jared]
For the record, Abbie Cornish claims she and Ryan Phillippe are "friends and that's it." [Just Jared]In a last-ditch effort to make something good come of Elizabethtown, Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst are now officially dating. [A Socialite's Life]Nicole Richie fires celeb stylist Rachel Zoe, possibly because she's the only person on the planet who makes Richie look obese in comparison. [Perez Hilton]Kate Moss's fiance, Pete Doherty, is arrested for possession of crack cocaine. [Cele|Bitchy]Car...

BREAKING AGAIN: Transcript of Michael Richards on Letterman

CBS just sent out their press release from the taping of Letterman this afternoon (the actual interview will air on CBS tonight). Fresh from my inbox:
CBS just sent out their press release from the taping of Letterman this afternoon (the actual interview will air on CBS tonight). Fresh from my inbox:Richards was featured via satellite from Los Angeles during an interview with scheduled guest Jerry Seinfeld, who asked Richards, his former “Seinfeld” co-star, to appear on the CBS late night broadcast. The following is an excerpt from Richards’ interview:Letterman: “Why don’t you explain exactly what happened for the folks who may not know.”...

BREAKING: Michael Richards Is Sorry

Apparently taping just wrapped on tonight's David Letterman, and Michael Richards made an appearance via satellite to apologize for the awful, racist remarks that had their webcast debut today.
Apparently taping just wrapped on tonight's David Letterman, and Michael Richards made an appearance via satellite to apologize for the awful, racist remarks that had their webcast debut today. A source at Defamer, who was at the taping, says "they got Michael Richards to be on the show via satellite. He apparently insists that he's not racist, even though he kept referring to 'Afro-Americans' through the interview."Another source at TMZ says that Richards was near tears during the apology. Richards' ...

Josh Hartnett Cheats on Scarlett???

Scarlett Johansson is currently in England filming The Other Boleyn Girl, but perhaps her thoughts should be focused on The Other Hartnett Girl. Scarlett's boyfriend, Josh Hartnett, was recently spotted in Sydney having a seemingly romantic weekend with a woman who is definitely not Scarlett. When Josh and his girl were spotted at an airport, the actor told photogs to "get fucked."Rumors of trouble in the ScoJo/Hartnett paradise have been circulating for awhile. Scarlett is said to be unhappy wi...

Oscars, why do you hate me?

Every year I get sucked into the Oscar debate and every year I end up bitter. It's not so much the idea of the Oscars that bothers me, it's the execution. The awards are based solely on appearance and buzz, they have nothing to do with actually watching movies. Why? Because, by and large, the voters don't watch the movies. Why not? Because they aren't movie reviewers, they're actors, writers, and directors, and they are busy pursuing their careers. Asking them to look at the 50 movies nomin...

Yes…That Was a Bad Idea.

"If I Did It," the book where OJ Simpson essentially confessed to the murders of his wife and Ronald Goldman has been cancelled. News Corp. today decided that not only was the book a bad idea, but also the two-part TV Special that was to air during sweeps before the Nov 30th publication of the book. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp Chairman, stated today,"I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project. We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the fami...

The Guy from Seinfeld Hates You (if you’re black).

Oh happy day. A Seinfeld alumnus is in the news again, and this time it's not for a cancelled show. TMZ has a video and some lovely text about the guy who used to be Kramer going off, Wu-Tang style, on some hapless hecklers. Evidently the set wasn't going well for Michael Richards because he had to fire back at the crowd with this doozy:"Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass."This sentiment was launched at one of our African American brothers, though one has t...