Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Also, Amanda Bynes is Still Angry About All Those Lindsay Lohan Comparisons

photo of amanda bynes and lindsay lohan pictures
And wouldn’t you be? Ugh. To be compared to Lindsay Lohan must be an insult of the highest order (no one’s ever compared me to Lindsay Lohan, thankfully, so I can’t really say for sure).

Earlier today, when Amanda heard that Lindsay made the comment about why Amanda’s gotten off so easily with all of her DUI-charging, car-impounding business, she texted a friend (who, predictably, told TMZ), saying that she hates “being compared” to Lindsay. The friend continues to reveal that Amanda has never been friends with Lindsay, and maybe Lindsay should just worry about Lindsay and quit sticking her coke nose in matters that would otherwise not involve her.

In short? Maybe Amanda Bynes isn’t as crazy as we all think. I mean, stranger things have happened today.