Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Somebody’s Moving Out of Ashton and Demi’s House

photo of moving truck outside of ashton kutcher and demi moore house pictures cheating scandal pics

From People:

A moving truck parked outside the Santa Monica home of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore is adding fuel to the “split” fire surrounding the couple’s relationship status.

When contacted by PEOPLE, the moving company, Wetzel & Sons, could not comment due to confidentiality.

So, a moving truck, huh? Isn’t this, like, the same exact thing that happened with Sandra Bullock and Jesse James? The affair allegations surfaced and no one heard anything for weeks on what Sandy was going to do about it, but then all of a sudden – BAM! There was a moving truck outside their shared home and Bullock got the eff out of there fast as can be. Is this what we’re to expect? Because though it’s not surprising, it’s still shockingly final if one of them is heading for the hills and taking their crap with them.

Guess that camping thing didn’t work out so well, huh?

Image courtesy of People

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  • They may be celebrities and every thing controversial that happens in their lives makes people giddy or excited. But who the heck are we to invade their privacy? They have lives of their own and we have our own, let them live theirs and worry on your own problems