Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Olivia Munn’s Really Pushing Her Luck

photo of olivia munn thinks she's smart pictures jon stewart hot pics photos

“They said, ‘Oh, she’s the Maxim cover girl,’ which I get. But I’m just like, I’m sorry — you can put yourself in a box, I just refuse to let you put me in one, too. My thing is, forget what my background is. They’re trying to reduce it to, ‘You can’t be on the cover of Maxim and you can’t be pretty and also be smart and funny. You’re only getting by on your looks.’ Tina Fey, who had her book come out recently and they did a 30 Rock episode about my hiring at The Daily Show, and she defends me on her book tour and says if I was overweight and had a mustache on the cover of Maxim, everybody [would be] saying, you go girl! But when I do it… I am who I am and I’m embracing everything that I am, and I’m not going to put on a turtleneck and hide away if I want to be smart and funny. You can be all of those things.”

This is Olivia Munn (I know, again, I’m so sorry), talking about the “backlash” she received when she started working with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. And while I agree, in part, with what she’s saying, the thing that Miss Olivia fails to realize, here, is that she’s not the first attractive, female intellectual to grace us with their mere appearance in Hollywood. I mean, Natalie Portman? Kate Beckinsale? JODIE FOSTER? The only difference here is that these women don’t go bragging about their Oxford and Harvard degrees (which they *actually* have), their prize-winning writing or the myriad languages that they speak.


9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Dude, I don’t understand all this animosity toward her. She’s pretty and she’s semi-smart. She was funny on Attack of the Show and she’s doing a decent job acting on Perfect Couples. I’m not saying she’s fantastic but she’s not as bad as some other actresses. Plus, she at least makes an effort to reach out to all the nerdy, Star Wars kids and whatnot even if she isn’t a giant nerd and that’s more than most celebrities can say.

    Why all the hate, Sarah, why?

  • Add me to the list of people that don’t understand the hating of Olivia Munn. She’s beautiful but she’s also extremely funny, and has more of a personality than most celebrities.

    Is it just Sarah that hates her? Or everyone on this site?

  • I think your way out of line with this fail article. She is talking about being funny and very attractive. The two don’t go together until she came along. She is super funny and has a great personality, or so it seems. Please stop your hating, your pathetic, truly you are.

  • I don’t think it’s hating and it’s obviously a bunch of lovestruck fanboys who are leaving these comments.

    What the author is saying is, she’s trying to act like she paved the way for attractive, funny women – AND SHE DIDN’T. They were here before her and they will definitely be here after her. If you can’t understand that simple statement, you probably need to be reading something a bit more your speed – like Maxim magazine.

  • Seriously is seriously jealous of Olivia Munn. Guess I would be too if I was an insecure female. Wah Wah Waaahhhhh.

  • What I really hate about her is that she thinks she’s so much more amazing than she is. The whole ‘Daily Show backlash’ thing wasn’t because she was hot and people thought you couldn’t be hot and funny. It’s because whilst she is hot, she just really really isn’t that funny. There are plenty of women who are (e.g. Tina Fey, Elizabeth Banks, Colbie Smulders, etc) but Olivia just isn’t one of them. No one was saying ‘Oh you’re hot, you can’t be funny’, people were just saying ‘Olivia Munn, you aren’t funny’ and the sooner she realises that the sooner she can pull her head out her own arse.

  • @Pippa, exactly! And the way she goes about it is sooooo childish. ‘Oh they’re criticising me! Must just be jealous of how amazing I am!’ Like seriously? I thought most people grew out of that kind of rationalising at 16?