Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nick Cannon Says His Wife Talks Like a Pimp

Nick Cannon just did an interview (which, like all the good ones, is totally not embeddable. Please click here to see it,) in which he was asked to do an impression of his wife, Mariah Carey.

Nick happily agreed to do it and said that at home, his wife is basically a pimp. Mariah doesn’t love this description because she thinks it makes her sound a too crazy and mean, but as Nick says in the clip, that’s exactly who she is. Apparently she walks around the house saying things like, “My conversation is expensive, so please pay attention.”

While another person might think this is totally asinine, I think it’s pretty fucking baller that that’s how Mariah talks to even her own husband. I’m pretty sure with a strict-ass mama, dem babies are going to turn out just fine, too.

And can I say that I respect Nick’s respect for his wife? A lot of men would be freaked out by a strong-ass woman like Mariah, but he seems to eat up every second of it. Those two make me happy. They’re like the crazy versions of Bethenny and Jason.