Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Womb Watch: So Let’s REALLY Discuss the Possibility of Scarlett Johansson Being Pregnant

photo of scarlett johansson coach event pregnant not pregnant pictures photos

Alright, despite previous allegations that Scarlett Johansson is pregnant, and the slight bulge that she had going on during her jog with Sean Penn earlier in the month, I’m starting to question whether or not she really is. She was photographed last night at a Coach event, and girlfriend is looking decidedly not pregnant that night.

However, I don’t think all hope is lost – I mean, some celebrities and women don’t show ’til they have a baby practically hanging by one hand out of their vadges, so I’m still holding out hope for a Sean Penn/Scarlett Johansson child, even if she DOES feel the need to mash her growing uterus down with some kind of inhumane Spanx product.

Is she pregnant?


Do you HOPE she’s pregnant?


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  • I like Sean Penn and I had a huge crush on him when I was younger but there’s no way I’d date someone that much older than myself. You KNOW they’re already set in their ways and are going to be “my way or the highway.” I can only hope she doesn’t get hurt too badly when he steamrolls right over her personality.