Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sean Penn Sends the Live-In Maid He Impregnated to the Grocery Store

photo of scarlett johansson shopping for groceries pictures photos

By now, you’ve probably heard that Scarlett Johansson is living with Sean Penn. Yup. She apparently left the hotel that she’d been residing in since her divorce from Ryan Reynolds (and boy, isn’t he just about shitting himself right now, huh?), and took up residence at Sean’s home in Malibu.  If you hadn’t heard?  Well, now you know.

Today she was spotted doing some light shopping at a local grocery store, where she was wearing actual shoes and a floppy sweater to conceal her burgeoning baby bump. It’s there, guys. Just wait, and give it time – you’ll see.

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  • I think she’s pregnant because 1) doesn’t she have big boobs? you can’t even see them. 2) it’s socal, its warm today. why is she wearing that? their relationship creeps me out!

  • Eddy dude this is about scarjo and sean penn’s possible love child not nic cage and his recent fuck up STAY OFF THE PIPE and no she’s not pregnant just dealing with unreserved daddy issues