Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton Gets Fractured Manolo X-Rayed

My dry heaving has subsided long enough to laugh at Paris Hilton.  Thursday night, leaving Bar Deluxe with her new BFF Brittany Flickinger, a pap stepped on her foot.  And she gave, you know, the normal human response of “Ow…owwwww…..ow……my shoe!” 

Beyond that, this huge fight breaks out.  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear it was staged in hopes of somehow parlaying the whole incident into a lawsuit against Paris.  Like court papers that read “Due to Ms. Hilton’s blinding beauty and the intoxicating scent of her newest Paris brand perfume as well as the extreme rage I experienced when I learned that someone stepped on her expensive footwear, I couldn’t control myself and starting punching random people.  I am seeking damages in the amount of $2M due to work related injuries.”  Because as you watch the video, you’ll see what I mean.  There’s blood but it looks like those blood capsules the Telemundo soap stars use.  And serious fighting and some unconscious dude on the ground.  Except he looks like he’s grinning.   And all these other pap dudes come running up and moving him and rolling him around.  Hasn’t anyone ever caught one episode of ER in the half-millenia that it has been on the air?  Don’t move an injured person.

If it was a real fight, you have to wonder if at any time did anyone ever stop and be like “Dude, I’m all fired up over Paris Hilton’s foot?  WTF?”

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that is so fucking disgusting
    wtf is wrong with these people
    and no offense wendie but aside from the hoes foot getting stepped on that whole thing is way not the kinda thing to be laughing at

  • I don’t see how that’s her fault. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand Paris Hilton and she represents everything that is wrong with celebrity. (The Osbourne clan does the same for the UK for me). She’s talentless, shallow, and unattractive. However, this fight seems entirely separate from whatever she’s doing.

    It does seem like a legit boot-party, though. I don’t think there’s anything fake about it. Now I feel sick.

  • i dont understand why they cant be obnoxious from a respectable distance. id be kickin some paps in the nuts with my manolo. nice pointy toes.

  • does anyone think that wendie doesnt do enough posts? i mean i think shes done like two all day! if this is her job shouldnt she be doing like ten a day?

  • diana i totally agree. i admit i like to check this site all the time when im procrastinating. i checked last night at 7pm (my time) and came on here now (1 pm) and there is only two more posts! and they were both lame! Thats 2 posts in 13 hours, i understand if this was like for fun but uh isnt this her job, doesnt she get paid for this?

  • EB has spoiled us with her daily multitude of posts, and we demand to be spoiled on the weekends too!

  • I am so fucking furious that I just wasted two minutes of my life watching this absolute inanity. This is one great televised example of why I am such a raging misanthrope. People are so, so goddamn stupid and disgusting. Jesus! What a waste of time.

  • to be fair we don’t know that much about wendie, aside from that she has kids and likes to be snarky.
    we are probably bigger losers for even checking up too much on a gossip site
    that being said how the hell do you post about
    It’s never okay to defrost a peanut butter and jelly sandwich- (and i accept that it is all trying to be controversial etc)
    but wendie if you want to keep people reading then don’t try too hard
    i’m sure you have the talent but we are u’r biggest critics so if you aren’t up for it then maybe take a different path

    as a non american i can’t say if most people in the usa find it funny to see some dude who might be really injured (i doubt it, had just welcomed america back to the world)
    and these shitheads are scummy for sure (the paps and so on) but seriously
    did any of you watch the video of a dof saving another dog on the frfeeway? thousand times more ‘humanity’ in that action than in this video

    sad sad sad


    You guys swear you’re reading the fuckin huffington post or something!

    Its just freakin shit to amuse you and if you dont find it amusing go on to another blog instead of being rude assholes to this chick, she writes just fine and just because she doesnt sound just like beet doesnt mean she sucks.

    Plus, i found this video interesting/amusing sjsm so don’t just put everyone together.

    just sayin…stop complaining.

  • ugh I know

    seriously, wendie-haters make me want to gouge out my own eyes. it’s just so fucking annoying. just don’t read it on the weekends then. how is that a big deal? I don’t get the constant need to come on this website and post about how much you don’t like her writings. It’s just so annoying.

    And I seriously doubt Beet gives a shit what you people think about Wendie. LOOK IT’S NOT EVEN STOPPING YOU FROM COMING HERE ON THE WEEKENDS. Idiots. If you want to make a point, STOP COMING HERE ON THE WEEKENDS. You are just driving up her traffic. So fucking stupid.

  • Guys, Wendie does 8 posts a day on the weekends because that’s what I pay her to do. Because, believe it or not, we don’t have an unlimited budget around here, and she deserves to be paid for the work she does. I can’t believe you guys are still complaining. I, for one, think she’s funny.

  • I’m w you guys – shut the fuck up if you don’t like Wendie. Its like not liking Beet – don’t come here then.

    Plus, did anyone notice that Paris got away when everyone else was clammering around all this other bullshit?!? I think thats the new getaway – have someone start a fight so that the paps will be busy filming something else….

    Wendie – fuck all these losers. I like you! (I know that must mean a lot) :)