Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan

Your Daily Lohan

Ha! No, I’m totally kidding. I know we cover Lindsay a whole lot here on Evil Beet, but I’m not going to subject you to daily doses of her massively-overblown redheaded f-ckery...

Lindsay Thought She Did A Great Job

Aww, this is sad. As you well know, our girl Lindsay Lohan hosted Saturday Night Live last night. As you also know, it, um, wasn’t that good. I told you this morning that she was...

Today’s The Day!

After what seems like a lifetime of waiting and more promotion than she’s done in ages, the day is finally here: tonight, Lindsay Lohan will host Saturday Night Live. And it’s...

The Lindsay Lohan Interview!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Oh my. I’m not going to even waste your time talking about how ridiculous Lindsay’s face is, because...