Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nicky Hilton’s Body Isn’t That Much Better than Yours

I know it's mean and misogynistic to pick on female celebs' body types, but I saw this picture on The Skinny Website (don't even get me started), and I really felt a lot better about my body. So don't think of this as my cattiness, think of it as your self-confidence boost for the day. I am just trying to help.You know, people say she tries to stay out of the spotlight -- she's hawking a fashion line and getting into the hotel biz and not fucking every C-list scenester on the Sunset Strip (just th...

Christie Brinkley is SUCH a Rock Star

Christie Brinkley's creepy, philandering excuse for a husband made a short visit to their Hamptons compound yesterday. Christie stuck around for 15 minutes before getting the hell out of dodge, returning less than an hour later with a gift for the photog camped outside her house. She gave him a box of sugar-free Popsicles with a handwritten note inside. “Sorry you have to do this on such a hot day!” she'd written.When asked to speak about the brief meeting with her creepy, philandering excu...

The Asshole who Slept with My Brother

Hoping that the still-murky landscape of Internet law will deter the obvious libel charges, has established a targeted marketer's wet dream: a website where women can share horror stories about the men they've been with who have perpetrated horrible, thoughtless acts that they are likely to repeat in the future, along with their names, locations and photographs. Or, more plausibly, it's a website where women can make nasty shit up about that guy from the bar who never called a...

Vietnamese Chicken Salad

I know everyone eagerly checks this blog on Thursday mornings for an debriefing on my cooking class the night before, and I do not wish to disappoint.
I know everyone eagerly checks this blog on Thursday mornings for an debriefing on my cooking class the night before, and I do not wish to disappoint.Tonight was meats. We spent the first hour learning about chicken, beef and pork. I started making hash marks on my paper each time Miss May said "delicious," and I got to 11 before I gave up. In the process, I learned a few things that had me, for about 30 seconds, thinking maybe the folks at PETA had the right idea. Not in a hurl-paint-at-Anna-Wintour sort of way...


I am so happy right now. Warner Brothers is producing a fourth installment of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, with a release date set at 3/30/07 (we have to wait that long??). This one's all digital, and is supposedly "grittier" than the previous three (although it will retain its PG rating). has the totally gnarly teaser trailer. Our heroes in a half-shell have returned, carrying on their sturdy backs a risk that people outside of SoCal will start saying "radical" unironically a...

Just Doing My Part for the Paparazzi

They're filming something on Pershing, in the northbound lane just north of Imperial Ave in PDR. There's a silver SUV and a dark-haired girl. They have the cops out en masse to guard the orange cones on the road. I remember they filmed Entourage near this stretch of road last year, but I didn't see any of those guys. It could really be anything. Guesses?Anyway, even if they're not filming anything interesting (if it is The OC I will never forgive myself), Pershing is the super-secret James Bond ro...

My Latest Pitch

If you were less than amused by my most recent reality show pitch, you'll be pleased to know I'm moving away from reality TV and focusing on documentaries now.
If you were less than amused by my most recent reality show pitch, you'll be pleased to know I'm moving away from reality TV and focusing on documentaries now.Tonight I envisioned a documentary about the male on-camera talent in the porn industry. We'll call it Hard at Work. The details are unimportant.Contact for option rights....

The Picture Brian Found on the Internet Today

My friend Brian has an uncanny but glorious gift for finding pictures on the Internet that never should have been taken in the first place, had the better instinct of anyone present been alive to kick in. Here's the one he sent me today. Caption suggestions welcome in the comment section.

More Mel-odrama

Okay that was cheesy. But it stays.
Okay that was cheesy. But it stays.So anyway...Disney begins the delicate process of inching away from noted Jew-hater Mel Gibson, with ABC cancelling his upcoming miniseries about the Holocaust. I hope that was a no-brainer, ABC.Next on Disney's formidable chopping block may be Gibson's latest passion project, Apocalypto, the Mayan-language tour-de-force that is, perhaps, a thinly veiled vehicle for Gibson's long-held hatred of Spaniards (who, you gotta admit, have been responsible for their damn fair share of "all the wars in the world"). It's hard to be sure, though, because, you know, the movie's in fucking Mayan.T...

Wasn’t There Someone Else in Lethal Weapon?

Yup! His name is Danny Glover (ring a bell?), and the most inflammatory thing he did this weekend was help Puerto Rican hotel workers unionize in hopes of seeing better pay and benefits. "The union's fight is to construct a world in which we want to live," Glover said at a press conference on Sunday, before tossing back a few cold ones and referring to the reporter from Reuters as "sugar tits." Oh, wait, except that last part totally didn't happen. Thank you, Danny Glover....