Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Meghan Trainor releases ‘Dear Future Husband’ video

meghan trainor

You love Meghan Trainor. You know you do. I mean, you totally can’t stand her, but you also can’t stop singing ‘Lips Are Movin’ every time it comes on the radio, even though she makes you want to jump out the nearest window. Oh, am I just telling my own life story? Whatever.

Meghan has another new song to torture us now, and admittedly, I can’t stand this one. It’s called ‘Dear Future Husband’ and it’s god awful. Here are some sample lyrics:

Take me on a date
I deserve it, babe
And don’t forget the flowers every anniversary
‘Cause if you’ll treat me right
I’ll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries
Buy-buying what you need

After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I’ll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
You know I’m never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?

Wow, sounds aewsome. Pretend I’m perfect and pay lip service to me even if you don’t agree because otherwise I won’t fuck you or make you dinner like a good wife.  Awesome message.

Here’s the dumb video:

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I had no idea grocery shopping was such an important part of being married.

    And she’s just doing her due diligence, consider yourself fully warned, future husband!

    • Oh yeah, there’s that, too. I mean, Olly’s no musical genius or anything (though he has done admittedly well since X Factor), but at least he’s likeable.

      • It came out in 2011. I wonder if the two songs were written by the same person, and they just released a bumper back of 50s-style pop songs that artists could buy at discount……

  • Uh she’s horrid and considering the state of pop music today that’s probably a compliment.

  • Dreadful. She is one cliche after another and just reading the segment and not clicking on the video I can already tell the melody and styl is too much like the other songs. Mehh