Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Do you think Ashley Benson is a bitch?

ashley benson

If you answered yes to that question, you’re not alone, apparently. If you answered, “Who?” to that question, then you’re only slightly better off than me, who knows she was in that Spring Breakers travesty and is also on Pretty Little Liars, but it sorta ends there. But I digress. We’re here to talk about Ashley Benson‘s bitchiness, and apparently she’s got it in spades – at least according to… anyone who meets her.

From Wonderland:

“Weirdly, I’m shy,” she says. “When people first meet me, they always think that I’m a bitch. I always get called that. Always. Because I don’t talk. I get really nervous in public situations, but once you get to know me, I’m so outgoing, I’m so loud and bombastic. I have the biggest mouth. But [at first] I’m very closed off. I hold in emotions. I don’t like to be vulnerable, ever. But when you’re acting, you get to explore those feelings and those emotions and those moments. Acting is so fun. I love memorising lines and I love doing scenes.”

She sighs. “If I could work and not have anyone know who I am – I know it’s not possible – that would be my goal.”

Don’t you love when people pull the “I’m just here for the art!” lark? Ya, okay. I mean, whatever – maybe she is just a true artiste and fame gets in the way, but somehow I don’t buy it.

Anyhoo, here are some more pics of Ashley looking like a bitch moody and very fashionable from the shoot.

Can anyone tell me if Pretty Little Liars is worth binge watching? I just finished the third season of House of Cards and I’m desperate.

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love Pretty Little Liars! It’s a lot of fun, spooky at times, and handles a lot of issues (especially the lesbian main character’s coming out arc) in surprisingly tasteful and realistic ways. Ashley Benson’s character is my favorite, and I refuse to accept that my Hanna is a bitch in real life.

  • no, not worth it. a lot of teenage drama (completely off reality) that goes absolutely nowhere. just four girls running around their tails nonstop. from somebody who has just finished watching house of cards like you, this is a free fall.

  • Binge watch it definitely. Can it get silly? Definitely. But there’s some really wonderful acting all throughout the series, it’s beautifully shot and and has the soundtrack to match.

    Benson’s character is my favorite, but they all bring it imo.